Example sentences of "be no [noun] for [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 There 'd been no call for him to attend .
2 Of all Christians , those of the Orthodox family have remained the most conservative , Their cultural roots go back to the Byzantine Empire and there has been no event for them comparable to the Reformation or Vatican II .
3 Something unforeseen and urgent had happened , since Sean had obviously known of it yesterday afternoon , and there had been no opportunity for him to inform her .
4 Even his marriage to Primaflora in some way had charmed them although , of course , there had been no opportunity for her to visit either Episkopi or Kouklia .
5 There had been no handkerchieves for him to work on for several days and there was not very much to eat for dinner .
6 It seemed to have lasted a long time and there had been no glory for me in it .
7 Two carriages took the Bradford family to early morning service , though it would have been no distance for them to walk .
8 Rumours were rife that Wigan were poised to swoop for the 22-year-old Great Britain star and Saints were lining up Featherstone Rovers ' international Paul Newlove as a replacement but Mr Latham adds : ‘ There have been no enquiries for him he is contracted to us . ’
9 While studying spinning in Huddersfield ( as part of her degree course in textile design at Middlesex Polytechnic ) there had been no time for her to try out the machine , so the then sceptical technician told her to come back later .
10 As there had been no time for it to be considered , the hearing was adjourned until November 1990 .
11 In the confusion of 1945 and ‘ 46 , there would have been no means for her to trace him .
12 If polar bears are dominant in the Arctic , then there would seem to have been no need for them to evolve a white-coloured form of camouflage .
13 ‘ If only I 'd known the truth about you , Shiona , there would have been no need for me to keep running away from my feelings for you .
14 There had been no need for her to write that letter .
15 There has been no sentiment for it .
16 There are no sounds for me to hear .
17 ‘ I feel fine and I could ride next week , but there are no horses for me and it 's a bit cold , ’ the 57-year-old said last night .
18 There are no endorsements for him on death row . ’
19 At the moment there are no plans for them to do any more work on the building .
20 There are NO plans for him to return to Coney Hill .
21 Being highly specialised feeders , there are no alternatives for them and their numbers are dwindling fast .
22 Muti 's Romeo and Giulietta were Agnes Baltsa and Edita Gruberova , and I 'm afraid that Diana Montague and Katia Ricciarelli on the new set are no match for them .
23 The PLAYER stands with huge , terrible eyes , clutches at the wound as the blade withdraws : he makes small weeping sounds and falls to his knees , and then right down : While he is dying , GUIL , nervous , high , almost hysterical , wheels on the TRAGEDIANS ) If we have a destiny , then so had he — and if this is ours , then that was his — and if there are no explanation for us , then let there be none for him ( The TRAGEDIANS watch the PLAYER die : they watch with some interest .
24 There may be compensations for a loss of freedom but there are no substitutes for it .
25 ‘ If Boz goes ahead with his revenge there 'll be no protection for him , or any hiding .
26 It would be no problem for her to make a meal for two , or suggest he bring a take-away , and , prior to this morning , she felt she probably would have agreed to that .
27 In which case there would be no capital for him to start up again other than Tommy 's back pay and a few pounds he 'd managed to save himself .
28 Happy New Year everybody , although it 'll be no holiday for me .
29 I believe that millions of people in this country will acknowledge that there would be no choice for them if there were a Labour Government .
30 There 'll be no chance for me getting a job .
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