Example sentences of "be very [adj] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Just to say that erm we 're very keen to see that the Mid Sussex Council has come to the county and asked for guidance and I 'm very pleased also with the response that is er proposed back to them .
2 Many of these were prisoners of war or internees and er we 're very happy to report that these got home after the war and we have many of them here today that were prisoners of war .
3 Few things are more poignant than a holiday romance , and we 're very happy to say that over the years we 've brought more than a few couples together who are now living happily every after .
4 Anyway , whatever the ideas that inspired the advocates of the prison , it would obviously be very dangerous to assume that their ideas were automatically embodied in the actual operation of the prison system when it came into being .
5 There are no real limits , other than disk storage , to the number of sizes and styles you could produce using Fontware but it can be very frustrating to find that the size you want is n't there and have to go back to the font compiler to produce it .
6 It may be very useful to know that there is a first-class industrial photographer in Tyneside or that such and such a photographer near the Exeter depot should not be used again .
7 The whole House will be very relieved to know that such a matter is not entirely in a Minister 's hands .
8 You see , it was n't just a case of loving her and that was all there was to it , that might be very nice to know that God loves me , but I , there 's a sense in , I want to know what that love produces .
9 Members will be very sad to hear that John Hewitt , husband of our secretary , Hilda , has died .
10 Incidentally , you will be very pleased to hear that ( according to British nutritionist Celia Wright ) for one day a week you can and should feast .
11 Hilary assured us of the continuing interest in Medau in Britain shown by the Medau Schule in Germany and teachers will be very pleased to learn that a new movement block in Coburg is to be named after Molly .
12 ‘ I have some rather good jewellery ’ ( and it was as if somewhere among her assortment of boxes was a very special one — but there was not — a mysterious Ali Baba store of necklaces , bracelets , rings , even a tiara ) ; ‘ I do n't think my insurers would be very pleased to know that a window was left open at night . ’
13 So Ernie will be very pleased to know that he 's not required to er , star this morning .
14 It can be extremely difficult to memorise colours correctly , and you may be very disappointed to realise that the shade of gilt wax that you thought was a perfect match in the shop actually bears no resemblance to the colour of the frame .
15 I mean it , it would be very easy to say that basically you know I do n't know , the , the poor peasants banding around all peasants , you know Mao saw them and knew that this was where the , the core of erm the revolution
16 And it used to be very fashionable to say that Thucydides was much the better of these two historians , he was describing erm a war in which he himself took part , he weighed the evidence very carefully , erm he produced very incisive statements about individuals and about problems , and that Herodotus had a lot of myth in what he wrote , and he was more wide-ranging , and he did n't really have the same standards of truth that Thucydides had had .
17 Otherwise , it would be very difficult to argue that the Act meets the requirements of the European Convention as interpreted by the European Court .
18 These unusual circumstances , and cases of corrupt diversion of corporate assets aside , however , it will in general be very difficult to demonstrate that the directors did not believe that what they were doing would maximise profits , because of the often insuperable problem of distinguishing between means and ends that this entails .
19 While it could be very difficult to prove that you were raped before your marriage , proving marital rape may be possible .
20 However , if he is a currency speculator he may be found to be trading in currencies and as he resides in the United Kingdom it would be very difficult to show that the trade was carried on outside the United Kingdom .
21 In practice , unless the employer can show that the employee has copied or physically removed a list of names or the details of a process then it may be very difficult to establish that the knowledge of the employee is exclusively due to confidential information .
22 Many older women probably avoid relationships for similar reasons but , once they get over the inhibitions , it can be very reassuring to know that you are accepted , varicose veins , belly and all .
23 I 'm sure Father Chris would be pleased to hear that and would be very flattered to hear that as well but erm he 's erm I 'm sure he does try to live by those rules because er obviously that 's one of the bases of his life but erm I was thinking more in terms of somebody who stood up for themse stood up for what they believe in in a situation where it was difficult .
24 So clear is this conclusion to my mind that , notwithstanding anything which has been said in other cases , I would be very slow to concede that the word ‘ appropriates ’ in section 1(1) is in its context ambiguous .
25 It would be very naive to suppose that one report taken on its own could tell you as much as you might want to know about the organization .
26 No doubt some people would be very glad to see that happen .
27 Any woman in the early 1970s did not need to be very observant to notice that there were serious dangers of being discredited by name in the media .
28 As a result of the Budget , basic rate taxpayers must be very careful to ensure that they select PEPs with the most favourable charging structures .
29 If there is no speech by three , indeed if there is no speech earlier than that , it might be very important to check that the child is not deaf .
30 If there is no speech by three , indeed if there is no speech earlier than that , it might be very important to check that the child is not deaf .
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