Example sentences of "be an [noun] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 You 're an expert at surviving without being close to a woman .
2 He gave a shout of laughter , then said , ‘ My oath — you 're an expert at finding an answer .
3 I am an advocate of concentrating money market business rather than spreading it among a large number of banks ; so long as banks know that they are in competition it does not matter if they are competing with two or three others , or 50 : if they do not offer the best rate they will not get the business .
4 During the last few years there has been an increase in swinging and ground looping accidents and these must be analysed to see if there are new lessons to be learned .
5 It should have been an occasion for rejoicing .
6 There has been an advantage in looking first at an exercise because its very ‘ task ’ orientation often makes the structure explicit , whereas in group drama one has often to look for it .
7 Much RE writing in the past 20 years or so has centred on the raising of ultimate questions , and there has also been an insistence on developing in pupils skills of understanding and of handling these questions .
8 There has been an error in performing the process model transaction .
9 As for the comment you attributed to me , that Britain has a budding romance with pressurised water reactor , I have always been an advocate of keeping government out of the bedroom and would , therefore , never have allowed such a comment to pass From my lips .
10 There is much evidence that the federalization of the National Bank has been an obstacle to implementing a coherent monetary policy .
11 " I 'm an expert at starting again .
12 There may be an advantage in laying down a procedure where the application is novel , and/or the parties believe that a particular approach is necessary and that if it is not stipulated an expert is likely to follow some other undesired procedure .
13 So there might be an advantage in working late and coming home a rather roundabout way , she reflected .
14 There would be an advantage in giving an alarm call that is difficult to locate .
15 The library can be an asset in promoting the school to parents , and the librarians in the Loughborough survey proved skilled in marketing techniques .
16 v.etc. ) , and that she does so when he appears cross-gartered may be an instance of humouring a madman by descending to his level ( III.iv. 16ff . ) .
17 It might be an idea to consider whether you have ‘ programmed yourself ’ to be an insomniac by telling yourself that you are one of those people who ‘ never finds it easy to fall asleep ’ .
18 However , while returning home with the Cup might not quite be an occasion for breaking out the ticker tape and launching into an orgy of street parties , it would be nice to see England do well , and there is no reason why they should not .
19 This should be an occasion for rejoicing .
20 Pain relief is important in myocardial infarction , but let that not be an excuse for filling a patient with opiates and then forgetting about him for the next 2 hours as he quietly rots his myocardium in some corner of the accident and emergency department .
21 Yet some principles are at stake in Bosnia , and the world can not let the complexity of the issues be an excuse for doing nothing .
22 This may be an opportunity for discussing it .
23 Surely this should be an opportunity for giving serious consideration to and providing serious answers on this major issue .
24 No doubt with typical Leo overkill , he would also turn out to be an expert in shooting rapids , taming wild horses , and leaping tall buildings with a single bound .
25 For those pupils who possess some vision , there will need to be an emphasis on helping them to use this effectively for learning , with special training as well as some adapted materials .
26 There should be an emphasis on improving the education standards of West Belfast people .
27 By the end of the 1920's Miss Lintorn-Orman 's brand of Fascism had not caught on and the Bolshevik revolution in England , which it had been formed to combat , had ceased to be an event worth waiting for .
28 The historical adviser is there not to ensure verisimilitude , but to be an accomplice in furthering the aims of the producer .
29 The integration into mainstream training , of topics that are no immediately recognised by bureaux workers as important , can often be an answer to fulfilling policy requirements .
30 A combination of these signs and the following could also be an indication of sniffing :
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