Example sentences of "be as if he have " in BNC.

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1 It would be as if he had never been taken in treason .
2 He 's just not there any longer ; and it 's as if he 'd never been , for none of the things he said are heard any longer either ; it 's a bad dream , and the Leader does n't have to sleep through it any more . ’
3 It 's as if he 'd just had a snort of it .
4 It 's as if he has heroically outlined himself , Lee thought , become the most significant member of the group .
5 It 's as if he has been drawn outside himself by indignation ; transcended himself ; literally risen into the air above his own head , so that he can see beyond the confines of his own life .
6 It 's as if he has just noticed an extra thumb .
7 ‘ It 's as if he 's been wiped off the face of the earth ! ’
8 It is as if he had spent several weeks at the headquarters of MI6 learning the techniques of counter-interrogation .
9 Every moment then has significance and an aura of delight surrounds everything and it is as if he had found a rare wellbeing and joy .
10 When the human voyager has freed himself from his fears and accomplished all his physiological needs , it is as if he has climbed out of a deep pit and reached the top of a high hill from where he sees a vast land stretching in every direction .
11 It was as if he 'd made up his mind about something yet was not sure if it was the right thing to do .
12 The Forest boss said : ‘ I watched him in five-a-side training and it was as if he 'd never been away .
13 It was as if he 'd gone into a different world . ’
14 It was as if he 'd never seen a naked woman .
15 He could remember the first time that he 'd stepped outside into country darkness and closed the door behind him ; it was as if he 'd been struck blind with the click of the latch , and he 'd begun to panic at his inability even to tell which way was up .
16 Rohmer smiled again , and this time it was as if he 'd just heard the best news of the evening .
17 It was as if he 'd moved through a layer of reality and into something older , a prewar world of poor light and brown paint and damp walls .
18 It was as if he 'd crossed one of life 's bridges ; there was no going back , and the view was n't the same any more .
19 It was as if he 'd known — as if he 'd somehow been alerted to the fact that she was about to cave in , to spill the beans on their bogus relationship .
20 It was as if he 'd had a sudden glimpse of a side of himself he did n't know , a side that was dark and uncontrolled .
21 It was as if he had conceived a latterday , visual version of the sonnet or the haiku .
22 It was as if he had returned to the pavilion to celebrate with lemon barley water after a half-century .
23 When he took up his pen again , it was as if he had assumed the annihilating impact of that wave : his books , he said , ‘ must be read as if they were the books of a dead man ’ .
24 It was as if he had been waiting there for me all my life .
25 It was as if he had spoken a line from the wrong play .
26 It was as if he had released some dark and terrible secret which had been boiling within him .
27 It was as if he had mounted the wrong protest in the wrong place , or was simply the wrong person to do it .
28 It was as if he had removed her skeleton .
29 It was as if he had n't really wanted freedom , only to assert his right to be free if he chose , which is quite a different thing and has something both sad and comical about it .
30 It was as if he had been running a high temperature or tripped out of his head on acid .
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