Example sentences of "be it to be a " in BNC.

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1 Or is it to be a full-length ballet with a maximum use of dancers ?
2 But since Crime and Punishment encompasses the drinking as well as the confessional theme , we can approach Dostoevsky 's abiding human question — what is it to be a man ? — also by way of the minuscule Drunks fragment :
3 ‘ And what is it to be a Peruvian ? ’
4 Or is it to be a bed-sitting room , or just her own bedroom ?
5 What advantage is it to be a man , over it is to be a boy at school , if we have only ‘ scaped the ferule [ cane ] to come under the fescue [ rod ] of an Imprimatur ?
6 ‘ What is it to be a woman ? ’ ) , but of the very qualifications for inclusion in the human species .
7 the chasm is too great though the gulf between God and man is , is far too wide and we try our various planks , our planks of being good , of doing nice things , planks of being religious , of being confirmed , of being baptized , of going to church of perhaps attending church , perhaps even becoming a member of a church , the plank of saying prayers I think you know and God does n't even hear us , the bible tells us , if I regarded iniquity in my heart God does n't hear me , he says I will not hear you , the only prayer that God hears from the sinner is God be merciful to me a sinner and we 've tried that plank and it does n't work , of course it does n't because that 's not what it means to be a Christian , the plank of bible reading , we can read the bible , we can memorise it , it does n't make us a Christian , Jesus said to some of the religious leaders of his days , you search the scriptures for you think that in them you have life , but you will not come to me , and so it 's not being in religious , er being religious or any thing else as we well know , it 's something far , far more fundamental than that , those words that Jesus said to Nicodemus you must be born again , that new birth , that new start , starting all over again , and so what happens , what 's it all about , what is it to , what is it to be a Christian .
8 Is it to be an up-to-the-minute design that will look good hanging in a bedroom or up the stairs , or should it have an antique feel to match a similarly styled sitting room ?
9 No longer was it to be a question of careful , rational long-term planning of public expenditure .
10 Was it to be an official Party document or a pamphlet in the name of Quintin Hogg ?
11 Or was it to be an example of ‘ self-strengthening ’ , of , essentially , successful reform ?
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