Example sentences of "be to [be] [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 They 're to be kept in my library .
2 ‘ We 're to be married in two weeks ’ time , ’ Alyssia informed her , settling into one of the chairs with Piers 's arm protectively resting behind her shoulders .
3 They 're to be married in May in Dingle . ’
4 They 're to be married in the small church that Christian built , next to my cottage . ’
5 And if you think I 'm to be taken in that easy , Miss Jennifer , then think again ! " and muttering to himself that it was as great a pity to see women weep as geese go barefoot , he took Ann by the arm and went back into his house .
6 I used to wonder just what the kestrel was looking at , what it was thinking , and I 'd imagine how wonderful it must be to be suspended in mid-air , looking down on the Earth as it was .
7 BELVILLE : So I am to be exposed in my house by such a sauce-box as you .
8 Three significant things are to be seen in the story .
9 The ruins of old Seagoe church are to be seen in the lower graveyard .
10 The very first indications of it are to be seen in the helplessness of a baby .
11 Such clearly defined patterns are to be seen in both social and political , as well as all other systems .
12 The British troops were very friendly with the Madeirans and many courted the local girls , which is said to explain why so many fair-haired and blue-eyed men and women of obvious Anglo-Saxon ancestry are to be seen in Madeira .
13 Examples of centurial stones or distance slabs with which different legionary detachments marked sections they had constructed are to be seen in the National Museum of Antiquities in Edinburgh and the Hunterian Museum in Glasgow .
14 Deeper down in the chest , where Tod does n't often burrow , the women get appreciably younger and are to be seen in things like shorts and swimwear .
15 One reviewer of the Salon des Indépendants of 1912 writes : ‘ Now that the Cubists have grown into a school their works occupy several rooms and are to be seen in several exhibitions ’ , and another : ‘ the Cubists are to be found in force ’ .
16 The upper parts of these early workings are to be seen in the fenced-off area at Red Dell Foot .
17 But the animals that are to be seen in our time can be interpreted as the end-products of an arms race that was run in the past .
18 The black sacks full of fetid rubbish that are to be seen in Lambeth do not meet the eye on entering Wandsworth .
19 They are to be seen in the late lierne examples as the boss covers the awkward junction of differing diameter ribs and creates a decorative design on the roof covering .
20 Conspicuous in the Cupids mosaic , for example , are the seabeasts of the semi-roundels , comparable — if not identical — representations of which are to be seen in the semi-roundels adjacent to the central squares of both the Fishbourne and Cirencester ( Dyer Street ) mosaics .
21 The borders are elaborate — comprising bands of chain-guilloche , wave-crest pattern , and simple guilloche ( all of which are to be seen in the Lion and Stag pavement ) .
22 If users are to be assisted in formulating in their search , a greater correlation between the various elements within the searching process must be achieved so that document titles , indexing language and classification can be searched interactively , thus combining the dual matching and contextual approaches to information seeking .
23 Before he cracked , Mr Rushdie had stumbled on a truth : that if free speech and free writing are to be defended in an age of increasing religious fervour , they must be defended with a zealot 's passion .
24 In written language , for example , since there is no one-to-one correspondence between the marks ( alphabetic representations ) on the page , and how they are to be pronounced in speech , there is typically a range of alternatives as to how a written letter should be said .
25 ‘ The Government thinks 29 are to be shut in England by 1997 .
26 Priced at 102p , they are to be redeemed in April , 2000 , at 100p — implying a capital loss of rather less than 0.25 p.c. per annum .
27 This is essential if renewable resources like forests are to be maintained in a state that is conducive to future use .
28 By law no preparations are to be made in anticipation of death , apart from allowing the loved ones due access , and the positioning of candles — symbolic of the flickering life and to chase away the forces of darkness .
29 Teachers too are faced with methodological decisions as to where adjustments are to be made in the matching up of abstraction with actuality .
30 These are especially useful when deep cuts are to be made in several shallower stages .
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