Example sentences of "be to [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 John Lahr told me of his astonishment at how unpleasant he could be to waiters at the Indian restaurant they visited together .
2 And it would be helpful for councillor I would say that I know that there are a third of our members and from the program committees for capital expenditure which I suspect is going to be to excess of the five hundred thousand pounds per year which we actually have .
3 It follows , in my opinion , that the servant may , whilst in the employment of the master , be as agreeable , attentive , and skilful as it is in his power to be to others with the ultimate view of obtaining the benefit of the customers ' friendly feelings when he calls upon them if and when he sets up business for himself .
4 On the political side , Taiwanese worry that the more money they invest in China , the more vulnerable they will be to manipulation by the Chinese government .
5 ‘ During the last few weeks we have been to Kent for the filming .
6 ‘ It is part of the expectation of the President that I should be available to represent the Church , so I have been to Strasbourg to the European Parliament and also on visits to the churches in Nigeria and Kenya .
7 Most attention focuses here on shifts in Labour policy , on armaments and on the EC , to which may also be added another less publicised shift , namely on attitudes to the US : when Foot became leader of the Labour Party in 1979 , he had not been to Washington since the 1940s ; Kinnock and his associates were frequent , and informed , visitors .
8 " All men fought ; all men in England had been to India for the duration of the last war , leaving behind them a country of women .
9 He asked everyone who had been to Denmark about the barracks at Trelleborg and Aggersborg and Fyrkat .
10 Its first governor , Sir Thomas Smith , had been to Russia for the Muscovy Company and was active in the Levant Company , and remained governor of the East India Company with two brief interruptions until 1621 .
11 Mr Ashton provoked laughter when he said he had watched the programme because it was set in his constituency , and he had been to school with the father of Sean Bean , one of the stars .
12 I 'VE just been to court for the first time in my life at 74 , because my local council said I owed them £63 for my wife 's poll tax during 1991–92 .
13 She had n't been to confession since the vision .
14 She confirmed she had been to Hawaii with the hunk and said : ‘ We all had a laugh , that 's all .
15 Relations between Egypt and Libya have been erratic since Colonel Gaddafi seized power 20 years ago , and he has not been to Egypt since the 1973 Arab-Israeli war .
16 Sergeant Flavell sounds a little odd when I talk to him and tell him I 've been to Jersey for the day but I 'm on my way back to Edinburgh .
17 Some of the prisoners had been to parties in the German Kommandantur .
18 Well , I dropped in one evening , a summer evening it was , as I recall it , after I 'd been to dinner at the Chelsea Arts Club and I felt in urgent need of a little female company .
19 It will be the first time that politicians from Eastern Europe have been to dinner in the Speaker 's apartments .
20 er somebody said well the , the table 's , we 'd been to French in the morning and I had n't realized that the table 's
21 The plaintiff could not prove that the defendant knew it was a secret process either because of its nature or because he had been specifically told that it was and Vaisey J pointed out that if it were really secret it was surprising that the defendant 's employment had brought him into contact with it ; he had been to prison in the past .
22 Two are large , with life-size figures , and are to members of the Maynard family at Little Easton , Essex , and at Hoxne , Suffolk .
23 Since data on the elasticities of demand and substitution came from external sources , it is also important to consider how sensitive the results are to changes in the values of these parameters .
24 It should serve the purpose , however , of providing a sense or a reminder of something of the range of alternative answers there are to questions about the rational foundations of ethics .
25 The specific role of bishops which is to be exercised in communion with the see of Peter in ensuring the unity and continuity of the faith is vital if we are to hand on the faith of Peter , Gregory and Augustine .
26 The doctors may broadcast their scripts to a drug-hungry nation like showers of autumn leaves , but they still act as an intolerable bottle-neck between manufacturers and their clients , the latter , poor sods , often not even knowing what wondrous remedies are to hand for the asking .
27 Some 75% of sales were to customers outside the U.K. Direct exports from the U.K. totalled £98.0 million compared with £93.5 million in the previous year , an increase of 4.8% .
28 They are to South African rugby what Cambridge University were to the English game in the mid-Seventies and , indeed , Llanelli were to Wales in the early Seventies .
29 We would wish to stress again , with the district council 's support I suspect , that that overshoot really it 's to sites within the urban area , as in windfall sites in general planning terms we have seen to be acceptable er in planning terms , but we would wish to stress that part part of that approach has been a continuing resistance to development on greenfield sites on the edge of the the urban area .
30 Often the quickest solution is to sand off the excess paint , using a foam sanding block with medium-grade wet-and-dry abrasive paper .
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