Example sentences of "be a [noun sg] for her " in BNC.

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1 When they were driving along he encouraged her to talk about her father and from what she told him he knew it had been a struggle for her even to get a servant 's position .
2 He must have been a fool for her er , you know ?
3 And so it was that she died alone in a mental hospital — as Eliot told Violet Schiff , one of the few who had known them both from their earliest days together , death could only have been a deliverance for her .
4 No , he nev , he has n't , so it 's gon na be a surprise for her .
5 For one thing , it would be a chance for her to escape some of the tension in the house .
6 ‘ It was the beautiful young lady at Miss Havisham 's , and I admire her greatly , and I want to be a gentleman for her ! ’
7 She says it is going to be a struggle for her because it is quite a severe leg injury but she 's determined and what we 're looking at now is very good recovery so thpat should continue .
8 She spotted a sheet of paper lying on the dressing-table and wondered if it might be a message for her .
9 It 'd be a release for her .
10 Whoopi is already in a regular psychic-type role in Star Trek , The Next Generation , so it should be a doddle for her .
11 Hard to explain the conflict in our acquaintance , but perhaps I had an instinctive feeling that she , in fact , wanted me to go to bed with her , and she knew I would n't — because if I did make love to her , it would be a victory for her and a defeat for me .
12 There 'd be a search for her an' all in another five minutes .
13 His beliefs were a breathing-space for her .
14 ‘ Whether she quits or not is a decision for her .
15 She was n't happy , she was suddenly plunged into all this pressure and it was a nightmare for her .
16 Three days later , Richard came along to Grace early in the morning , and told her that there was a call for her .
17 Oh there was a call for her .
18 That there was a pattern for her in Lermontov 's novel is conceivable : but it ca n't be claimed that it fits her with exactitude , or that it provides an explanation of her conduct .
19 It was a victory for her each time that she wrested him away from his desk and his teleprinter and his uniform .
20 So I silently willed her to know that if life with Edward became insupportable there was a place for her to come .
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