Example sentences of "be the [noun sg] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I am the centre of my life , why should n't I be my own most cherished lover ?
2 ‘ I am the centre of my existence , ’ Clare sang , as if chanting a psalm , pitching her voice an octave lower , as she pushed Josh to her playgroup the next morning .
3 I am the person on whom all hopes are pinned , ’ he said .
4 Kaptan asked and , in malai , I said , ‘ I am the servant of your father and mother , Kaptan , and your servant , too . ’
5 ‘ And I am the rest of us . ’
6 ‘ I am the civilization for which they are fighting , ’ he replied .
7 Yes I am the outcome of it all is that she 's waiting on the wall , getting piles and I 'm going to go down the shop with her .
8 I am the steward of my lord Robert Beaumont 's manor of Huncote .
9 ‘ However bitter you may feel about it , the properties were entailed and I am the heir to them , like it or not . ’
10 Pericles ' position is ( almost everywhere : see p. 126 on finance ) described by Thucydides as if his authority depended solely on charismatic qualities of leadership , but this can not have been the whole of it .
11 Acquiring its contents had been the purpose of her outing , but she no longer cared about it .
12 The Queen had already been informed ; this had been the purpose of his visit to Sandringham the previous day , which had generally been regarded as part of the normal routine , and not as marking any special occasion .
13 It was a large walled-in structure containing several graves and a plaque stating that underneath were deposited the remains of Mary , who had been the daughter of somebody and the wife of someone else .
14 Although this his been the opposite of what was generally intended , there seems to be little sign of any reappraisal of rural planning controls which might result in a reversal of current trends .
15 Maximum production has been the slogan to which we have all adhered .
16 Which of the various branches had been the branch along which she had lain , and watched the dying Scathach ?
17 PERHAPS the most striking aspect of the John Birt affair has been the enthusiasm with which the great and the good of 1980s British television have lined up to kick him when he is down .
18 It may not have been the origin of his interest in such people but clearly played a formative part in his development .
19 And he looked directly at the woman who had been the origin of his biting anger and smiled again .
20 He was there once more as she turned into the staff car park as again she recalled that ‘ blunt ’ had n't been the word for it !
21 For whereas two individual kings had been removed , it had been the experience of their personal rule which had provoked men into lethal opposition .
22 ‘ It 's been the experience of my chums that offspring break up marriages .
23 As you know there have been the history of it is , is well known to most commissioners I 'm sure , there have been m there has been more than one attempt in the recent , in the last decade to bring something to the assembly er along these lines .
24 But that had been a piercing of her body , a searing of her mind — but this encounter had been the captivation of her soul .
25 As he darkened his palette in Drenthe , this had been the thrust of his art of darkness .
26 The Lawrentian hero of A. Alvarez 's first novel , Hers ( 1974 ) , makes a broadly similar choice , selling off his hardbacks as a final gesture of abandonment ; and when the hero of Michael Frayn 's The Trick of It ( 1989 ) beds a lady whose writings have been the subject of his lectures and publications , he finds the experience amorously disappointing .
27 In fact , however , the second point — the reality of God 's giving himself to be known in Jesus Christ — was always the real focus of his concern , and he came to stress it more and more as the years passed , and as he moved away from what he later said to have been the one-sidedness of his earlier writings .
28 Most were commercial failures and publishers quietly dropped them and returned to textbooks , the monomedia which had always been the core of their business .
29 The sovereignty of Parliament has been the linchpin of our unwritten and flexible constitution ; it can be traced back in our political practice and constitutional theory for almost three centuries ; and yet the constitutional authorities have come to see it as the fundamental constitutional problem needing challenge and change .
30 The exhibition was opened on 1 August by Dr Finlay MacLeod , whose enthusiasm for Hebridean maps had been the inspiration behind it , and by the time the exhibition closed on 31 October it had proved to be the most successful exhibition ever mounted by the Library , with an attendance of over 20,000 visitors .
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