Example sentences of "be the [noun] [prep] you " in BNC.

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1 What would have been the consequences for you had you been prosecuted ?
2 So what are the rest of you missing ?
3 Are the others with you ? ’
4 Even if you go halfway , and just say that the trades council conference could send two delegates , not to put trades council motions , but to give the trades council 's view on important issues because the trades council representatives are representatives of the rank and file , they are the activists , they are the people like you , and I think they deserve a voice on a wider platform .
5 I 'm the opposite to you .
6 And I know she likes me , but I do n't know how far her liking will stretch if she knows I 'm the means of you … well , not marrying .
7 More recently , I graduated , won a place in Cosmopolitan 's New Journalists competition and joined a feature-writing agency in London , The Write Stuff : if anyone wants an interview , I 'm The Chap for you .
8 And then , his voice falsely calm-sounding now , he said , ‘ You use that , m'lady , and it 'll be the finish of you . ’
9 And there 's more , as what transpires between October 29 and November 3 should be the making of you , and should make your year complete .
10 Strange how what you regard at the time as being your downfall , often turns out to be the making of you .
11 ‘ This scrumpy will be the death of you , Sooty , ’ he said seriously , ‘ they 'll find you in a ditch one night all blue in the face . ’
12 Breakfast can be the death of you
13 ‘ Your dick 'll be the death of you , ’ he commented as he signed off .
14 ‘ It will be the death of you .
15 Easily Accessible : If you are not keen on Shakespeare , Stratford may not be the place for you — nearly everywhere you go you will be reminded that this was his birthplace .
16 Thinking about women is a way of avoiding the thought of death — and yet women may be the end of you .
17 So unless he is coming to live with you , this will be the time for you to begin to show him how to cope alone .
18 But it 's something which you really should bear in mind , because it could be the difference between you getting a press release and , and not getting it in .
19 At the time you enter a Deed of Covenant , the covenant should be capable of lasting for more than 3 years , and there should be the intention by you that it does so .
20 A central light fitting can be used , but the light that will help you most will be the light behind you which illuminates the face of the person speaking .
21 So if your Excel spreadsheet is looking a mite dull , then this could be the package for you .
22 So if you think you 're harder than Scwarzenneger or meaner than Bond this may be the game for you .
23 So , if you do n't mind hard work and you think you can get along with sheep , this may be the job for you .
24 So if you 're a fish fancier , a frustrated trout tickler , or just want to try something completely different , this could be the business for you ; provided of course you have at least £280,000 to spare .
25 If the lowdown on Vera Lynn 's recent successes at her local tennis club or Joe Loss ' new sailboat got you salivating , then these were the columns for you .
26 Okay just a rectangle round three three er things that were the highlights for you yesterday the most important things that er came through to you yesterday .
27 So if somebody said to me what what were the highlights for you yesterday , Aldershot method tell them what you tell them just list them .
28 At the airport Mike Turner , the team manager , came up and asked , ‘ What is the problem between you and Frank ? ’
29 If you 're looking for a state-of-the art power notebook and have deep pockets this is the notepad for you .
30 A years ' worth of ZZAP ! and freebies too — just twenty-four pounds is the price to you ( guv'nor ) .
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