Example sentences of "be not only [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 More men and women are not only living healthily into their seventies , but into their eighties and nineties .
2 This connection is normally secured theoretically and depends upon well- established law-like relationships which are not only expressed mathematically but also indicate measurement units , as in the case of the thermometer .
3 In playing mothers and fathers , hospitals , and school , children are not only finding out what people do but also how they feel .
4 Additionally , thanks to an increasingly enlightened climate , occupational pensions are not only becoming more widespread but most schemes have been steadily improving .
5 Remember that you are not only burning up calories while you walk , but your increased metabolic rate will keep burning up calories when you finish walking .
6 Some nuns and priests chose to go into the FMLN controlled zones where they are not only carrying out religious work but also helping in the educational campaigns .
7 Our own central social services inspectorate will be not only carrying out its own inspections , but also checking on the quality and systems of the arm's-length inspectorates that have been set up by the local authorities .
8 To trace the invertebrate lines back to their origins , we must find another site where rocks were not only deposited continuously throughout this critical period , but have survived in a relatively undistorted condition .
9 ‘ R ’ s were always rolled , for example , and ‘ S ’ s were not only delivered forcefully but with a quality more like the ‘ Sh ’ sound , to which the diaphragm responded better .
10 The fact that they can see how counterproductive it is not only does n't seem to stop them , it makes matters worse .
11 The purpose of this book is not only to show how threats to our heritage can be successfully resisted but also to suggest ways of putting forward constructive alternatives .
12 Notice that this paragraph is not only held together by the sort of unity , or development of ideas , that we described in the Great Gatsby example above .
13 ‘ I was not only speaking out on behalf of Manchester United but their thousands of fans as well . ’
14 In pre-Big Bang times there existed a widespread belief that the then existing regulatory framework was not only propping up an inefficient system but that it was also outmoded and fast becoming inadequate for the protection of investors .
15 The AR.III was not only demonstrated successfully but in February 1938 Raoul Hafner gave a paper to the Royal Aeronautical Society describing the design .
16 A lifestyle involving hard work , charity , abstinence from drink , strict morality , and thrift was deemed absolutely essential , as it was not only insisted on in the Bible , but was also seen as a sign of an individual 's elect status .
17 This was just as well because the washing was not only hung up on poles above but spread out upon drying racks in the street itself .
18 ‘ The Professor 's garden , however , was not only protected originally on the College side by the Fleet Ditch , but by a Thorn-planted Hedge , which extended onwards to the Bridge in Fig Lane [ Crowndale Road ] thus also enclosing the ‘ Green ’ at the back of the Elephant & Castle Inn .
19 Clive Greenacre was not only put out when his agoraphobic wife started to express her anger about his callous behaviour , but also amazed by the sexual demands she then started to make on him .
20 The concert 's aim , Ms Maggs says , was not only to raise desperately needed funds for the CABA , but also to raise Institute members ' awareness of the CABA 's funding problems .
21 Gazzer was not only pissed off , he was seriously out of pocket .
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