Example sentences of "be that [pers pn] be always " in BNC.

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1 Their view tended to be that they were always ‘ ready for action ’ .
2 The moral to this little story must therefore be that it is always worth checking that the components you receive from a supplier are the ones that you actually ordered !
3 The supposition being that it 's always easier for the offspring just to sit on the nest and wait for the parent .
4 We have to accept that the reality is that we are always already on the slope , holding a position .
5 One of the difficulties of using politicians ' or military leaders ' diaries is that they are always likely to be personal justifications of their own actions at the time , and of course they give the impression that the whole of history consists of political intrigue or war .
6 The other unfortunate thing about lifts is that they are always breaking down , and if you are in your seventies , prone to arthritis and live on the seventeenth floor , it means that you are frequently housebound .
7 The trouble with teachers is that they are always right — even when they 're wrong !
8 An important property of mass and energy is that they are always positive .
9 Some people who have an elderly parent to live with them are heard to say , ‘ We 're very fond of her of course , but the trouble with Mother is that she 's always there ! ’
10 This curious truth about language is that it is always perfect : when a user of the language fails to express himself clearly it is because some existing linguistic resource is not known to him , not because such a resource does not exist .
11 The advantage the nationalist rhetoric and the nation statehood confers is that it is always legitimate , liquidating the nationals of other nation states , particularly in contention over a piece of territory .
12 What it says , very briefly , is that it is always a break in the order which attracts our attention .
13 One of the most wonderful things about religion is that it 's always there waiting for us .
14 But he 's not a great conversationalist and not a great chatterer and talker and worker out of problems , like , for instance , Viscount Whitelaw , whose genius is that he 's always absolutely ready with many views on every single problem that 's going , political , policy and so on .
15 His most annoying habit is that he 's always on show .
16 ‘ Ken Livingstone 's problem is that he is always on the television slagging the party off . ’
17 The infuriating thing is that he is always right . ’
18 THOMPSON : ‘ The thing with Bill Shankly was that we were always a family and everyone knew each other from the cleaning lady to the girls in the ticket office .
19 The great thing about Angie was that she was always for him .
20 ‘ Ruddock 's trouble was that he was always going on in the build-up to the fight about how he reckoned he used to knock me out in sparring when we were kids .
21 He was er me mother 's chief objection to him , it was me father 's father , me mother 's chief objection was that he was always talking about revolutions and she could n't stand this you know .
22 Now I , they could , erm one thing that I found b b b b picked up from doing my own reading and studying was that it 's always good to go through with the customer step by step which is to a certain extent what we do do
23 One of the things that surprised me when I first read the New Testament seriously was that it was always talking about a Dark Power in the universe — a mighty evil spirit who was held to be the Power behind death and disease , and sin .
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