Example sentences of "be different from that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Because Marx never did write this anthropological work , it is futile to speculate too much on how his position would have been different from that of Engels .
2 The exposure of the other terrestrial planets , because they occupy different parts of the Solar System , has been different from that of the Earth and the Moon .
3 To add to the uncertainty , the age at which a person is considered old enough to vote may be different from that at which they are allowed to marry or fight for their country .
4 Every day bank deposits are withdrawn and fresh deposits made so that at the end of each day liquidity for each bank will be different from that at the beginning .
5 proposed usage would be different from that for which the premises were let .
6 The provision of psychiatric care to these areas must , necessarily , be different from that for densely populated cities .
7 The time for someone on a star will be different from that for someone at a distance , because of the gravitational field of the star .
8 The receptor for TGLP-1 in the rat gastric mucosa seems to be different from that for glucagon-29 , but they may be part of a closely related family .
9 The 1979 Arkleton lecturer pointed out that many upland farmers in Britain tend to have ‘ their own ‘ viability concept ’ , which may be different from that of the theoretical agricultural economist and sociologist ’ .
10 They tend to have their own ‘ viability concept ’ which may be different from that of the theoretical agricultural economist and sociologist .
11 To some extent local factors come into the situation — the fine-tuning , for a village in what was Wessex will be different from that of a similar place in the former Danelaw or Northumbrian areas .
12 In accepting that the world occupied by a majority of adult women would be different from that of men , feminists distinguished themselves from the mainstream of opinion only by their refusal to accept that women 's role was thereby rendered inferior .
13 The funding of CTCs is on a par with that of other local education authority schools , and their recurrent funding will not be different from that of other schools in their areas .
14 After all , it is the employer 's money which is being spent and the employer 's view may be different from that of the employer 's advisers .
15 When considering the ‘ stars of the seasons ’ some allowances have to be made ; obviously the view from , say , Britain and the northern United States will be different from that in Southern Europe or the southern United States ; for example it is very difficult to see the Scorpion 's ‘ sting ’ from London , but easy enough from Athens or San Francisco .
16 Second , such findings may have therapeutic implications , as optimal therapy for paritns with oesophageal alkaline exposure as well as acid exposure may need to be different from that from those with acid exposure alone .
17 It has also been widely observed that the form of intonation is different in different languages ; for example , the intonation of languages such as Swedish , Italian or Hindi is instantly recognisable as being different from that of English .
18 Pigeons can be trained to think the time is different from that outside their home loft , and then observed to see if they misorient as the sun arc hypothesis predicts .
19 Using a series of specially devised tests of production and comprehension it was possible to identify a pattern of sign language learning among social workers for the deaf in the UK which is different from that for second language learning .
20 Modest and Sundaresan ( 1983 ) have shown that the no-arbitrage condition for futures on a geometric index is different from that for an arithmetic index .
21 The scope of this work is different from that for an audit under the Companies Act and , for that reason , it does not provide the same level of assurance as an audit .
22 Third , it is noteworthy that the question appropriate to predicate qualifying position is different from that for the postnominal attributive adjectives .
23 Voters who read a stridently left- or right-wing paper are at least exercising some choice , even if their own partisanship is different from that of their paper .
24 Northern Ireland 's problem is different from that of either Scotland or Wales in that there exists in Northern Ireland a substantial minority which fears oppression by the majority and if any scheme is to be adopted it must meet these fears .
25 Terminology is required in particular here to allow distinctions to be made between prescriptive and descriptive approaches to language , and to show that the grammar of spoken English is different from that of written English , and not just a haphazard deviation from it .
26 Our twentieth-century idea of illness is different from that of New Testament times .
27 ( Luke : Luke 's account of the agony of Jesus is different from that of the other two Evangelists :
28 The challenge for adults arriving in this country and establishing a new life and family is different from that of the children born and brought up here .
29 There are various possible answers : The world of 1993 is different from that of 1971 ; the numbers of disabled elderly people have soared ; the divorce rate has rocketed ; or , more conveniently , we could expect nothing else given the governments we have had .
30 When , however , one examines Oakeshott 's political writing in the context of his philosophical work it is clear that his notion of tradition is different from that of Burke .
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