Example sentences of "be in and [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I thought of all the warm beds that I could have been in and I kneaded my fingers that were going numb with cold .
2 or they turn up at the gates and go shit Mr like the headmaster 's on the door and my nipples are in and they go hang on I 've got some ice cubes here , put them on and they come out and er they go by the nipples , your nipples are looking good today .
3 the whole place was gon na come to a halt if anybody fired a flash gun and furiously Fred grabbed the royal people and I grabbed the Finns and we started reorganising the present so they could take place under the enormous great windows that there are in and nobody had said at any time a flash gun will stop the machines .
4 Getting in can be quite difficult , but once you are in and you work hard , it will work for you .
5 ‘ I checked with Betty this morning as to whether you 'd be in and she said you were making one of your special cakes , so I guessed you would ask the girls up to tea .
6 The V bomb , V bombers and the doodlebugs and er when he came home it was nineteen forty six I think or seven er , my fath er my mother had died and my father wanted to get away from the place we were in and we said oh well go ahead you know , we 'll easily get somewhere and of course we did n't and they put us in a Nissan hut , which we made absolutely beautiful , we did all sorts of things to it and had a lovely garden all around it and the people from the Council use to come around and say to us oh well you do n't need to be rehoused because you 've made this so very nice you see , anyway I then started to work for the Corporation and then there was the possibility of course
7 Yeah er you know , we had an understanding that if erm because there were times when we wanted to just have some time together , or to pray together , and erm you know people who did come in and out to the flats , we erm told them that if th we were in and we did n't answer the door , it was actually because we were either doing something that we could n't come .
8 Yeah , sections er , Longmans were in and they had them .
9 All the same , it was an unusual situation they were in and they wanted an answer , said Phil Jordan to John Coffin on the telephone .
10 Bob ; No , sorry I do n't but it 's really easy to find out just call the helpline and they 'll be able to tell you exactly what band your flat is in and what discounts your eligible to .
11 and the state he was in and they did n't want to know did they ?
12 Unless there were special factors involved and although I can not recall a situation where we 've paid for a person to go into that 's for members to discuss , not me , but we have certainly paid an enhanced rate where somebody wanted to go to live near their daughter who was in and we felt that was a legitimate reason for paying a higher rate and , and , and we did do so , so there are other types of flexibility .
13 If you have n't guessed , the last time he was in was in and he does n't trust folk to actually select Parliamentary candidates .
14 This is the first time we 've had to do this interceptor cos I did n't even know it was in and I do n't think Dick did .
15 So then I saw Mrs Irwin on Tuesday when I was in and she came up with all sorts of things that she would like for the new development .
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