Example sentences of "be because they [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Mick , the National Officer has been er , the link between these organizations and I hope that the er , Professional erm , Boxers ' Association will give some credit to the G M B in erm , establishing themselves and we hope , as an organization , that in the future that they can be successful and we can be sure they will be because they 've not only got the likes of Barry but they 've got many other , prominent er , boxers who will , I 'm sure , establish erm , the Association in a very er , positive fashion .
2 This may be because they occur only in association with a particular element , like the cran — of cranberry , or because they occur with a particular semantic value only in the context of one other element , like the — en of oxen , the ab — of abnormal , or foot in foot the bill ; in a case of collocational uniqueness of either of these types , no contrast in which the unique element participates can be tested in a distinct linguistic environment .
3 They do n't have the time or the resources , and that may be because they do n't have enough people at partner level to cope with the organisation that training involves . ’
4 If they say no , it might not be because they do n't like the sound of it but because their lists are already full and they are unable to take on any more .
5 No , it wo n't be because they do n't do the , they do n't do an open afternoon if it 's a championship
6 It seems as though the world is going on , everybody rushing about their daily tasks , but surely this can only be because they have not yet heard the news or else they too would feel emotionally paralysed .
7 ‘ The only reason people are fat , ’ he went on , ‘ is because they eat too much .
8 The District Council considers that the noninclusion of the sites in the greenbelt is because they do not perform a greenbelt function , and not an indication that the sites are suitable for development , particularly as sufficient housing land has been identified in Local Plan .
9 ‘ The only reason they 're kicking up a stink is because they do n't like rave music . ’
10 Well , I finally got Miguel to talk to them about it and it turns out the reason there are n't any old folk around is because they do n't live much longer than about 35 .
11 Maybe it is because they do n't want to fulfil their financial commitments .
12 Alright , and perhaps the reason why people are migrating when there is very high unemployment is because they do n't realize that there is such high unemployment .
13 I think this is because they do n't practice being feminine with the boys around and so they get on with the work more .
14 But Faye and Roberta — well , they are n't middle class , to put it mildly , but surely they — yes , they would have picked up the know-how , the expertise , so if they did n't get things straight , it is because they did n't want to .
15 The reason that a lot of the older players are going is because they did n't produce the goods when the club needed it most at least the kids were going out battling .
16 It is because they have already been widely written about in feminist art history ?
17 If maintained schools failed ( and fail ) to scale those commanding heights it is because they have not wished to .
18 This is because they have not yet learned the new rules and are still trying old techniques of gaining reactions from their parents .
19 The reason that is disappearing is because they have n't got a purpose to get out of bed in the morning , exactly .
20 This is because they have only won three matches in a World Cup proper .
21 If Protestants are better off than Catholics in Ulster , it is because they work harder and have fewer children .
22 which was we do n't know who won we do n't know what the score was but we think that but we 're , we 're assuming that that 's because they bring out all their secret showmen who do n't sh travel they have a little core , hard core of that do n't travel but they , they bring them out
23 That 's because they cost far less to run .
24 And I think it 's because they go out drinking and you know
25 Oh well they said that 's because they 'd not got that section finished
26 Maybe , in fact , it 's because they hit so many balls off the hard , unyielding floors of a driving range .
27 Now the other side of that was a plea which came from our switchboard supervisor , which I 'll come onto in a moment , where she said people will often think that of her telephonist , but in actual fact , it 's because they have n't got the right information from people at this end , so there is another side to that story .
28 On the whole , DOS spreadsheets perform faster and need less in the way of resources to work properly — but that 's because they do n't do very much with those resources until you start to use the graphics facilities they offer .
29 ‘ It 's because they do n't let them kill people any more , ’ said Constance .
30 Film stars make terrible mothers , but that 's because they do n't know how to behave . ’
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