Example sentences of "be there [coord] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 but she were n't there so , whether and then I rang down Susan 's , I thought they might be there but nobody answered the phone , so I thought well
2 I know that when I had my children I 'd have loved my mother to be there but she missed out on the pleasure because of hospital policy .
3 ‘ It could be there but I doubt it .
4 Yeah I think it it 's it 's been coming on a sort of er you know we we we tour here twice a year every year and we release an album every year at this time and a video , so it 's for all the people who like that type of music they know it 's going to be there and they come out to see us all the time you know and er as you say it goes on and on but lucky enough there is an awful lot of material for us to do and you know there should n't be any problem .
5 So I said no no er he wo n't be there and he said okay .
6 ‘ You 've got to be there and you 've got to sign this to show that you 're aware of it . ’
7 Whether it be a union branch meeting or any other branch meeting you had to be there and you had to know what you 're talking about .
8 Anyway you its funny he wanted to insist that my husband should be there and I said I can decide do n't worry .
9 I would like a staff rep to be there and I think it should be a management staff rep .
10 I think , I think that in any , I mean in , in , in , if you wan na , if you wan na look at it in terms I mean I think labour it it 's always gon na have to be there and I think the biological constraints put the you know , sharpened device
11 But er unfortunately those on the ground who have shown their skill at wrecking anything that does n't suit their purpose with the support of the Labour group , those on the ground will still be there and I do n't believe that er giving the director of education the executive powers is going to stop them continuing to take the sort of action they 've been taking .
12 Dealers from all over the UK will be there and it sounds like a historians .
13 It had been there but he had not seen it .
14 I do n't know how many times I have to say , that we 've we 've been there and we know all about this .
15 In theory one might say that the problems have always been there and we have now just started to recognise them .
16 But he could n't invent a love that had never been there and he felt that Lou would be better off without him .
17 This south-eastern quarter was to Stephen 's mind the least beautiful , but it was some weeks since he had been there and he liked to keep the whole of the moor under surveillance .
18 I 've been there and I know , and my heart is sore all over for you , but just catch you feeling the smallest jot of sympathy for me .
19 ‘ I can at least say that I have been there and I count myself one of the lucky ones . ’
20 I had been there and I knew it as a beautiful seaside resort , but that was n't why I was so delighted .
21 you 've been there and I 've only been there thirteen years so
22 I 've been there and I find how happy people are there .
23 I mean you know , sometimes you you see a picture of a place when you 've been there and it does n't even resemble it .
24 The bombs , guns and paras are there but it avoids stereotypes , reminding us that most of the people in Belfast simply want no truck with the war .
25 racemic mixture in other words , both are there but it has no ah !
26 Both are there but it has no effect on plane polarised light , for instance , like , as if one of them is trying to rotate it to the left by so many degrees and the other one is rotating to the right by the said the amount .
27 Luiza and Freddi were there but he knew they would be hopeless .
28 bit here and I thought god that so I thought right I 'm gon na change places in that seat but your father 's sitting on , alright , I said go in that back seat , just behind us there were there or I said or I 'm just coming to sit where you are , I said I ca n't do four hours sitting like this , I mean I 'd have been boss eyed before I got , well I was I , I , all say look at that cloud
29 She said : ‘ The Tates were there and they sent a big wreath ; we ought to have invited them back with us . ’
30 ‘ The Russian physicians were there and they did n't know how to take the bodies out to be sent to Moscow .
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