Example sentences of "be just [art] question of " in BNC.

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1 It is just a question of sitting down with people like Roy Evans and taking it from there . ’
2 It is just a question of knowing when to use it : not , I would think , for food , or , usually , cosmetics ; but illustration appears to be more successful than photography for fashion , and it can clearly be used for most other types of product .
3 Allowing for the differences in stance has far more chance of success : then it is just a question of deciding which way the ball will fly from certain lies .
4 It 's just a question of finding the right people to bring in and form a fashion-design group .
5 It 's just a question of getting the damn thing on the screen . ’
6 In 1988 , he received a death threat at his home with a skull and cross-bones reading , ‘ It 's just a question of time and opportunity , but we 'll get you . ’
7 We spoke about getting together , but it 's the same old problem — like with Brendan , it 's just a question of when .
8 ‘ There 's nothing underhand about it ; it 's just a question of having the chance to say no .
9 It 's just a question of realising what is in your head , because I find I can usually hear roughly what I 'm trying to get to .
10 It 's just a question of time . ’
11 It 's just a question of us getting three points , that 's all that matters . ’
12 It 's just a question of which clubs can afford me .
13 I know I have the game to win , it 's just a question of everything being perfect for that special week . ’
14 ‘ There 's no doubt in my mind it will happen — it 's just a question of when . ’
15 ‘ It 's just a question of who will be joining us . ’
16 Everything I 've said about the training of Dawn might lead you to think it 's just a question of patience and keeping her weight at the right level , but there really is much more to it than that .
17 That 's not to say it 's just a question of luck whether you win — nothing could be further from the truth .
18 ‘ Maybe you have to make a choice , but I do n't think there are any hard stamina routes ; it 's just a question of training stamina for six weeks ’ .
19 Ei either the rate of addition or the rate of removal cos if we 're assuming a steady state the two will be the same and it 's just a question of for some substances it might be easier to measure th the rate of addition , for others it might be easier to measure the rate of removal .
20 Cos you know you know the method , you know what to do , it 's just a question of sorting it out .
21 Yeah the the graphs it 's just a question of doing a few and getting the feel of it and then we 'll .
22 it 's just a question of you practise some .
23 It 's just a question of you know , marking off every second square .
24 It 's just a question of whether the two of them set off home together or whether he left early and waited for her . "
25 It , it 's just a question of I suppose whether you do it or you get other people to do it or or what .
26 It 's just a question of finding the best one . ’
27 It 's just a question of waiting for the bleep . ’
28 I mean it 's cos it 's not of course as we know , it 's not a secret that he has one , it 's just a question of exactly what it is , it 's the
29 Although at easter time there is some shocking bad weather sometimes , you know really cold sleety showers and it 's just a question of getting out there to the sand and get it over quickly .
30 ‘ It 's just a question of time .
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