Example sentences of "be now [verb] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 But they 're now employed by the I P A ?
2 About 17 per cent of all families with children are now headed by a lone parent , nine in ten of whom are lone mothers .
3 On the first day of camp , 11 of the 13 patients from the UK ( including M7 ) were found to be colonised by P cepacia. 5 of these P cepacia-positive individuals have been traced and all are now colonised by the epidemic strain .
4 All such orders are now authorised by the Acquisitions Librarian and processed through the Library 's ordering system .
5 They are now joined by a very different woman , Marie-Elisabeth Cons-Boutboul , who was charged on Monday with being an accessory to the murder of her son-in-law , who was found shot dead in the hallway of his Paris apartment block in 1985 .
6 ( Certain detailed modifications of the effect of the rule against perpetuities are now enacted by the Perpetuities and Accumulations Act 1964 . )
7 Most of the Council 's former staff are now employed by the government , both because of their professional expertise and their ability to publicise important issues in a sensitive way .
8 Most of the Council 's former staff are now employed by the government , both because of their professional expertise and their ability to publicise important issues in a sensitive way .
9 The difference is that they are now employed by the businesses to whom they have been supplying services for some time . ’
10 All these remedies are now sought by a single application for judicial review ( Supreme Court Act 1981 , s.31 ; RSC 0.53 ; O'Reilly v.
11 These libraries are now represented by the Association of Independent Libraries , made up entirely of Britain 's surviving subscription libraries of which the most substantial is the London Library , this year celebrating its 150th anniversary .
12 Where I refer to sections of the Act which confer powers upon the Secretary of State which are now exercised by the S.I.B. , I shall refer to that body .
13 However , as discussed above , in relation to contracts under which ownership of goods is transferred , so far as such contracts are not governed by s 6 of the UCTA , they are now governed by the new s 7(3A) .
14 Regular readers will have noticed that a number of our recipes are now followed by an assessment of their nutritional content .
15 Lighted Programmable Function Keyboard and Dials devices for manipulation of images are now supported by the 220 , and the keyboard costs £334 while the Dials device is £803 .
16 These advances have been accorded full acceptance with ready abandonment of firmly held convictions on all those matters which are now covered by the sciences , and which were in their earlier interpretations considered unquestionably true .
17 Formerly unliquidated damages in tort were not provable debts but they are now covered by the wide nature of r 12.3 .
18 Unvented hot water systems are now covered by the requirements of the Building Regulations as well as the water bye-laws .
19 Such people are now covered by the Occupiers ' Liability Act 1984 , s. 1(1) ( a ) and will be owed a duty of care under that Act .
20 Because Saturn , Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn are now challenged by the Sun in Aries , you are urged to do your sums this April , read all the small print and then take the initiative over joint financial arrangements or business affairs .
21 Most local authorities are now contested by the major political parties at local elections ( Widdicombe 1986:30 ) .
22 Mr. Taylor : As many of the laws that used to be made in the House of Commons are now made by the Council of Ministers , and as we can discuss its decisions for only one and a half hours after 10 o'clock at night , does the Lord President agree that this makes nonsense of democracy and deprives the public of the knowledge of what is going on ?
23 This integration took place in April 1992 and IT strategy and standards are now developed by the corporate IT service in conjunction with the business-based units .
24 The 1983 Water Act reduced local authority representation on Regional Water Authorities and the new boards have fewer members , all of whom are now appointed by the Environment Minister .
25 Santa trains are now run by every independent railway in Britain but were ‘ invented ’ by the KWVR in 1965 .
26 The polytechnics have moved out of local government control and are now funded by the Polytechnics and Colleges Funding Council acting on behalf of the Secretary of State .
27 Domestic customers are now protected by a price formula , and high standards of service are enforced by the independent regulators .
28 All the operating functions are now controlled by a subsea microprocessor , and the capability of the system has been increased to water depths of up to 2000 metres .
29 The dye vats themselves are now controlled by a computer which automatically operates valves , flow direction and controls temperatures .
30 Subarctic fishing grounds that were once free for all are now controlled by the country in whose EEZ they lie .
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