Example sentences of "be no [noun sg] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 ‘ None of the animals we keep are dangerous and they 're no problem if they 're well looked after . ’
2 There had been no acquittal since they were taking him back to the prison .
3 in that er , yeah , do n't know , well if he 's doing a , if , ours are no good when they 're finished with it will they ?
4 However , there would be no guarantee that they would do so — they might use the money for additional spending on services .
5 Even the proofs of science would be no help for they too are founded on pre-scientific presuppositions .
6 None the less , there can be no certainty that they are the works of Alexander himself rather than some member of his entourage .
7 The soldiers bent over to form the arches but they were no good as they kept moving all over the place and there seemed to be no rules or sense of order to the game .
8 Shouting about convictions is no guarantee that they will survive a period in government .
9 Although the discs will fit any drive , this is no guarantee that they can be read by the computer .
10 Finally , unless selective assessments are properly evaluated there is no guarantee that they are correctly selecting those for whom existing provision is intended .
11 Acts of resistance may of course continue to be initiated through individual acts of will , but as for Sartre there is no guarantee that they will produce intended effects .
12 This relationship entails that speakers can exercise a great deal of choice in the way they encode their meanings ; for example , even if questions ( i.e. requests for information or for action ) occur in a text , there is no guarantee that they will be realized syntactically as interrogatives ; there is no simple isomorphic relationship between function and form .
13 Someone else may have something you want , but there is no guarantee that they will want what you have to offer them in return .
14 ‘ There is nothing to stop them applying for other nights , but there is no guarantee that they will get them .
15 There might be some question now as to whether they will , but there is no question that they can if they want to .
16 They might not be doing your figure or teeth a lot of good , but there is no proof that they trigger acne .
17 It must be admitted that the area of Cliffe Marshes contains boundaries which now , and on the map , correspond to centuriated measurements , but there is no proof that they date to the Roman period .
18 Social class inequalities are always difficult to explain precisely but there is no doubt that they exist in relation to the AL of maintaining a safe environment ( Whitehead , 1987 ) .
19 Yet there is no doubt that they have an active , social life , full of real and caring communication , carried on in a language quite alien to our own experience of mind and meaning .
20 The full value of such workshops has yet to be confirmed but there is no doubt that they represent a valuable communication tool .
21 Men and women may or may not be moral in practice in 1700 , but there is no doubt that they have a common sense of morality which is itself bound up with a religious world-view .
22 But most of the real champions have a physical quality in common : there is no doubt that they see better than most of us .
23 But there is no doubt that they evolved in Sulawesi .
24 There is no doubt that they played a major part in maintaining interest in abolition and emancipation through different phases of antislavery .
25 Our school textbooks present a biased , distorted and sometimes explicitly sexist view of the world and there is no doubt that they could be improved .
26 On the question of aggression by the North , there can be no doubt whatever that their ultimate object is to overrun the South ; and I think in the long term there is no doubt that they will do so , in which case , as you so aptly remark , the Americans will have made a rather handsome contribution of equipment to the military strength of Asiatic Communism .
27 All of these are still very cumbersome to use at the present stage of development but there is no doubt that they will improve .
28 There is some debate as to just how vegetarian the species is — there is no doubt that they will enjoy feeding on algae or cucumber and other blanched vegetables , but most will also take varying amounts of meaty food .
29 There is no doubt that they were sincere in their belief that their patients would benefit from their involvement .
30 While these features are not aimed specifically at women drivers , there is no doubt that they will appeal to the less mechanically minded buyer .
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