Example sentences of "be say [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Again , explain what 's been said to a close friend and keep reminding yourself that in God 's eyes you are a successful , important and useful person .
2 CHC had been saying for a long time , and it seemed to be falling on deaf ears that a date should be set for the closure of Friern and that money should not be spent on the hospital but on services in the community .
3 It shows what we 've been saying for a long time , how fragile the markets in this recycling are , and I still stick to what I 've thought all along , that marketing comes first and making the product comes second .
4 Yes , but I mean erm excuse me erm there are a lot of people who have been saying for a long time , the council are dragging their heels and they 're not doing anything .
5 The other two syllables will normally be much less prominent , and be said on a level pitch .
6 It used to be said with a considerable amount of justification that you could get as far as Inspector on your own bat but after that ‘ No ’ , you needed somebody pushing you — city councillor , anything .
7 Although , since she 'd once experienced the so-called ‘ real thing ’ — a wild , tempestuous tide of overwhelming emotion and desire , which had brought her nothing but misery and unhappiness — well , maybe there was something to be said for a warm , calm and friendly relationship … ?
8 Finally , there may be something to be said for a non-exhaustive list of situations in which consent will be negatived .
9 There 's a lot to be said for an up-market Scottish education but in retrospect you can come away with some pernicious ideas , particularly the idea that thought is superior to action .
10 The same can of course be said of a great novel , for if houses are like stories , stories are also like houses .
11 By raising and lowering the handle it is possible to follow the contours of the shape , and though this can also be said of a normal chisel , I enjoyed being able to concentrate solely on the chisel edge , as if whittling .
12 Yet something of the Parish 's strange reputation lingered into the twentieth century ; it may still be said of a headstrong woman , ‘ send her to Temple Moor ’ .
13 The calf is supposed to miss its mother as it might be said of a 4-year-old child .
14 The same can not be said of a generalised advance disclosure .
15 Thus a given verbal lexeme such as " exist " can be said of an infinite number of different supports : I exist , you exist , this chair exists , etc .
16 A few words can be said by a relative or friend , or , if there is no wish for a religious ceremony , a non-religious one can be planned .
17 In response to a request , the answer ‘ I do n't mind doing it ’ can be said in a pleasant positive manner , assuring the listener that the task will be done willingly .
18 On the other hand it can be said in a grudging negative manner leaving the listener uncomfortable and possibly guilty at having made the request .
19 More will be said in a later chapter about the implications of Plantagenet representation in France at this level .
20 Within these limits , which can not be said in a free society possessing elective legislative institutions to be narrow or constrained , judges , as the remarkable judicial career of Lord Denning himself shows , have a genuine creative role .
21 It said all that needed to be said in a clear enough manner .
22 For example , if the word ‘ what ’ is said on a rising tone , ‘ what ’ , it might have a pitch movement that could be diagrammed like this : The four syllables in ‘ , what did you say ’ might be said like this : with the pitch of the syllables in the tail getting progressively higher .
23 The egocentric and performative aspects of mental and speech acts by historical individuals who use such expressions to make statements , ask questions , etc. , naturally enough , often have a direct bearing on the meaning of what is said on a given occasion , and this points to an area of phenomenological problems that needs to be carefully explored if the complexity of the problem of meaning is to be fully understood .
24 Although an ordained cleric , Hervey is said by a contemporary chronicler ( William of Rishanger ) to have been one of two standard-bearers of the men of London at the battle of Lewes in 1264 .
25 To say that someone votes Conservative is not a libel — unless it be said of a Labour MP , and in consequence , would be defamatory in its implication of personal and political hypocrisy .
26 Well I tho though I I take what Don 's saying in a general .
27 But it becomes clear that Krashen is not thinking of theory in general , that is to say of a theoretical perspective on pedagogy , but of a theory in particular which can be applied directly ; not , therefore , of the process of referring actual problems to abstract ideas but the process of making practice conform to a preconceived conceptual pattern .
28 Their manifesto says that the government ‘ will continue to work strenuously for a political solution acceptable to all parties ’ , which is to say for a gravitational system in which apples fall upwards .
29 On the other hand , we do not mean to deny that such intelligence may act according to law ( that is to say on a preconceived and definite plan ) .
30 Sir Thomas remonstrated with him , as was his duty , reminding him of his high calling and how he will be required , in accordance with royal custom , to make a match advantageous to the realm — that is to say with a foreign princess . ’
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