Example sentences of "be that it will [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 She is in the grip of infatuation and … the odds are that it will lead precisely nowhere ; that they — and more probably he — will call the whole thing off .
2 The reasons for introducing terminology are that it will provide the reader a ) with confidence in using the microcomputer ; b ) with the knowledge to discuss the various uses of the microcomputer with colleagues ; c ) a basic knowledge of the microcomputer from which the reader can go on to discover other , more intricate aspects of the microcomputer .
3 The consequences for the vendor are that it will need to account for unpaid advanced corporation tax on the entire amount of the distribution unless there is a group income election in place .
4 All the indications are that it will increase , ’ he said .
5 The most important aspects of the ‘ green Budget ’ are that it will encourage people to act , and it recognises the environmental mantra that energy has for too long been too cheap .
6 Although this is unlikely to happen this year , the astrological pointers are that it will occur before the end of l993 .
7 Apricot Computers Ltd , which always likes to be first with Intel 's latest chip , will reportedly announce a P5-based machine in September , but with the enormous leap in complexity in the microprocessor , the other major worry has to be that it will take early users of the chip at least 18 months to find all the bugs in it and for Intel to correct them .
8 It could well be that it will take more than the measures that the Government have introduced to strip the glamour from smoking , notwithstanding the 115,000 smoking-related deaths per year in Britain alone .
9 The answer to the key question — what applications will it run — appears to be that it will run unmodified character-based MS-DOS applications , and converted Mac applications , to the extent that any developers are prepared to convert them , and will run on iAPX-86 processors from the 80386 up .
10 One other aspect of hovering in a wind is that it will tend to mask any offset in the tail rotor trim .
11 Carr : Well , there will be some new jobs , David , but the really important issue is that it will mean permanent jobs .
12 If a manufacturer of a product says ‘ It can do this and that ’ then my expectation is that it will do exactly what the manufacturer says it can do .
13 Over twenty years that same feature has become apparent to me , so that I can say confidently that one feature of a perfect trotting swim is that it will shallow up gradually downstream .
14 There is general agreement in the hot fusion community that CIT will bring significant advances to the field , but the problem is that it will cost 700 million dollars which requires new funds and imposes new pressures both within and outside the community .
15 What 's certain is that it will cost some promoter a lot of money .
16 ‘ All I can say is that it will end with a question mark over the future .
17 ( 10 ) The only permissible condition to the offer is that it will fail if tenders totalling less than 1 per cent of the voting rights are received ; a higher percentage may be stipulated by the tenderer but the London Stock Exchange does not normally permit a higher figure than 5 per cent for on-Exchange offers .
18 This method has to be handled with a great deal of care since the danger is that it will result in exactly the kind of antagonism which the salesperson is wishing to avoid .
19 The idea is that it will block the action of an enzyme which the toxins force the body to produce , an enzyme responsible for much of the damage .
20 The answer is that it will make no difference at all .
21 His argument against NAFTA is that it will suck American jobs south of the border .
22 Our wish is that it will enable you better to recall and enjoy your own memories .
23 Wieman told EW + WW that the great benefit if this simplification is that it will enable a greater number of laboratories to participate in low temperature research and discover more and more bizarre properties of matter .
24 What he says is that erm you know when he was writing of six hundred and fifty eight seats in parliament , I do n't know how many there are now , but he says if we allowed for people to be paid , then we have as it were six hundred and fifty eight prizes to people 's six hundred and fifty eight jobs for people and he says and this is rather astonishing to hear , to read this is that it will attract adventurism of low class to er parliament if we pay members of parliament .
25 Even though the statutory offence that replaces it reduces the public order characteristics of the offence and raises doubts as to whether affray is properly characterised as a public order offence at all , the likelihood is that it will continue to be employed in the prosecution of spontaneous brawls that result in no great injury in circumstances where the evidence of specific offences against the person is deficient .
26 He says the whole problem of the Oxford to Harwich route is that it will create an urban sprawl , another outer London which we ca n't afford .
27 Intel Corp says it expects to spend about $2,500m on capital expenditures and research and development in 1993 , an increase of 25% on estimated 1992 spending of about $2m , saying that the expenditures , unusually high as a percentage of sales even for a high technology company , are needed to address the increasing complexity of microprocessors and the high cost of chip plants ; the company has started paying a dividend , making its shares attractive to a wider range of institutions , and the expectation is that it will tap the market for new funds .
28 The trouble is that it will leave mothers feeling terrible if their child does n't keep up .
29 A characteristic of an ORACLE view is that it will truncate a column header to the size of the field it represents ( ie if the field is smaller ) .
30 Looking ahead to the afternoon and evening , and the good news is that it will stay dry everywhere .
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