Example sentences of "be that he [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The main criticism seems to be that he wanted to change things , forms of service and such like .
2 The contribution made by his analysis is that he seeks to provide a logical answer to the question which had previously been unsolved : what matters are collateral or preliminary ?
3 What the doctor is saying is that he had to continue treatment , because it was right to do so as a matter of public policy .
4 All that we know for certain about his coronation oath is that he promised to preserve the laws of the realm unimpaired and to do nothing touching the dignity of the crown without first obtaining the consent of his prelates and chief magnates .
5 Lear 's tragic mistake is that he tries to mix his authority as a parent with that of a King and assumes love and power are interchangeable .
6 One of the intriguing features of his account is that he seems to have heard or read at least one quotation in Greek from the Pentateuch .
7 The reason Gandhi gives for choosing to become a vānaprasthin is that he wanted to devote himself to the service of the community .
8 Whether he attended the Academy or not , what is certain is that he wanted to live with a practising painter as a working apprentice .
9 One explanation is that he wanted to keep open an option should the pound run into fresh trouble , as well it may .
10 Roy Hart 's main complaint is that he has to leave his car in a small car park and walk home because the Conservators wo n't let him take his car up to his house .
11 The problem for Mr Lamont is that he has to attempt to control the public spending deficit but at the same time not take any measures that might stall a sluggish recovery .
12 Similarly where the charge is that he intends to provoke another to use such violence .
13 Now all I 'm saying is that he undertook to give us those in forty eight hours .
14 ‘ There are a lot of things that make Milton so good , but the most important is that he wants to do it , ’ says John .
15 What he means by this is that he wants to see the thing in loan committee , damn the company 's leverage , and damn the balance-of-payments problems in the Philippines , period .
16 It is not perfectly clear from what Mace says what it is that he wants to contrast with my body as it appears to others .
17 ‘ His underlying motive is that he wants to change the world , not so he can manage it , but so that he can make it a different place , ’ explains Charles Handy , who picked Gould out from a handful of students at the London Business School ‘ because he stood out in a group of people as by far the most interesting , and that was because he was determined to have control over his life ’ .
18 Philip Gould ( right ) : his underlying motive is that he wants to change the world , not so he can manage it , but so that he can make it a different place .
19 What he himself claimed was that he wished to enfranchise the Tibbu : he proposed to give land to Tibbu from the expropriated endowments of the Sanusi order .
20 At first the main change was that he began to give away quite a lot of money , mainly to Worcestershire charities .
21 ‘ Edwin was always a joker but the point was that he seemed to undervalue his own work and to think less of my judgement because I did not .
22 Gooch recalled playing against Waqar at Chelmsford : ‘ The first impression was that he seemed to have a very long run-up but he is obviously a very fine fast bowler with the ability to swing , particularly the old ball . ’
23 The reality was that he seemed to have been forgotten and nothing was going to serve as a reminder unless the kidnappers broke their silence .
24 ‘ The oddest thing was that he seemed to have no interest in Mandela at all .
25 Observers who have been taken by Paisley 's personal influence over his followers have often missed the point that those who supported Paisley only did so conditionally and the condition was that he continued to articulate traditional unionist positions .
26 The trouble was that he likes to throw his food around , which inevitably led to waste .
27 When Cain made his feelings known , the only explanation he received was that he had to master his sin before God would be impressed with him .
28 What annoyed him though was that he had to make most of the preparations .
29 All he knew was that he had to get away from Weatherbury .
30 One of the major qualities of Michael 's performance was that he had to speak in three accents : one way to his troops , as their superior ; another way to the officers , his superiors ; and a third way to the German who had captured him .
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