Example sentences of "be that it was [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is n't even known where on Krakatoa the eruption was centred , but the chances are that it was Perboewetan , since the lava flows in the crater looked extremely fresh when they were examined in the nineteenth century .
2 When war was first declared , and she was co-opted into the military , he imagined that her first reaction had been that it was typical of these men to mess up her promising career like that .
3 The real objection to the use of the statement may in any event have been that it was self-serving rather than that it was protected by privilege , which could have been waived by the defendant .
4 cos I would always thought Marks were that it was one day
5 When I spoke to some of these women alone much later I asked them why Asian women often reacted like this ; their answers were that it was good for a man 's Izzat .
6 The difficulties of this approach were that it was slow , time-consuming and could help very few .
7 On the one hand , it would seem that if a claim can be framed as one in contract or tort , or if it concerns a private legal right , it need not be brought under Ord. 53 even if the very ground on which the respondent 's action is alleged to be a tort or breach of contract is that it was illegal in a public law sense .
8 The traditional view of a trust is that it was enforceable only in personam , that is against the trustee .
9 In some ways that was the classic sound that I had with Whitesnake , but that sound was n't usable in later , more AOR versions of either that band or even other things that I 've done ; all you can say is that it was right for that particular music .
10 In fact , the next paper I sent him was called , if I remember rightly , ‘ The Poet — the Public — the Faith ’ , and I had dispatched it to a review called The Green Quarterly , the only recollection of which I have is that it was quarterly and that it was green .
11 The argument is that it was easier for them to maintain the part of their image of statelessness which consisted of ‘ how we have always done things ’ , than it would have been if they had individually moved into town and settled into a bidonville .
12 My guess is that it was this if anything which provoked the reaction amongst British critics at the 1990 Cannes Film Festival , and the covert but unsuccessful attempt , reportedly led by a British daily newspaper , to have the film taken out of the Festival altogether .
13 A drawback of this fire-setting technique is that it was liable to impair the value of the product by cracking it .
14 The general view is that it was basic economic forces rather than the events of 1381 which brought about the end of villeinage and the enfranchisement of the peasant class ( 11 , p.29 ) .
15 A possible reason is that it was difficult to get arms and ammunition to the right place , despite the virtual absence of border controls between Germany and its western neighbours .
16 So brief is the note , and couched in such general terms , that it is difficult to base much upon it , but worth noting are the facts that he clearly saw his choice as lying in the normal way between tedris and kaza , which he calls two paths or careers ; that a signal disadvantage of teaching was that it was unremunerative ; and , not least , that , unable to contemplate either alternative , he was able to find a home for his talents and interests in the bureaucracy .
17 Carew 's immediate response was that it was garish and vulgar , like Durkin himself .
18 The decision was that it was unlawful direct discrimination because Mr James had been treated differently than if he had been a woman .
19 The mystery was that it was successful for more than thirty years .
20 In addition the section indicated that the intuitive explanation of N ( d 1 ) was that it was equal to the rate of change in the cell price divided by the rate of change in the share price : .
21 What he did not realise at that stage was that it was meaningless to compare Baldwin 's speed with that of Bonar Law , for Baldwin did not work at all in Law 's sense .
22 The point we sought to make , Mr Smith , was that it was ludicrous to assume — as Ford has — that millions of people aspire to nothing better than an average car , and to note that the master marketeers will probably get away with peddling mediocrity yet again .
23 One major presupposition of these early surveys was that it was preferable to study the whole population of a society in order to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the data collected .
24 ‘ My feeling — and Pam ( Ma Larkin ) , David ( Pa ) and Phillip ( Charley ) agreed — was that it was better to do four episodes really well than six halfheartedly .
25 Ace had actually understood some time ago , but if there was one lesson that she would take away gladly from her time with the Doctor , it was that it was better to have people underestimate your abilities than overestimate them .
26 The final irony was that it was unnecessary , anyway .
27 In his reply on 2 August [ KP 6 ] Eden put the second view , which was that it was essential to return Soviet prisoners to the Soviet Union , because otherwise the Soviet authorities might make difficulties over the large number of British and allied Prisoners of War in those parts of Europe which would be liberated by the Soviet Union .
28 Despite the 12:1 contrast ratio claimed for the screen , my initial impression was that it was poor .
29 It struck me this mouse would be very attractive to portable users , but the generous serial lead to the receiver unit is a bit inconvenient for this.One thing I noticed straight away compared with my A4 Tech Microsoft Mouse clone was that it was necessary to reduce the movement sensitivity of my Windows mouse driver .
30 The government 's view was that it was necessary for JMB to continue in operation to maintain international confidence in the banking system and in the London gold market .
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