Example sentences of "be that [det] of the " in BNC.

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1 Things to look out for are that all of the many Airworthiness Directives have been complied with .
2 Particularly striking examples , as Simon Frith points out ( 1983a : 146–7 , 154 ) , are that some of the ‘ most creative uses of the recording studio have also been the most ‘ manipulative ’ in commercial terms ' he mentions Phil Spector , Giorgio Moroder 's disco hits and Jamaican reggae — while ‘ in the USA … the most open and imaginative audiences deejays and radio programmes work in disco , the most obviously commercialized musical genre ’ .
3 He said : ‘ The problem this season has been that many of the sites have not fished very well at all .
4 The results of these factors have been that several of the new ‘ one-stop shop ’ security houses have withdrawn from market making .
5 To revert to the Scottish question that was raised by the hon. Member for Banff and Buchan ( Mr. Salmond ) , has the Prime Minister noted the statement today by the leaders of the financial services industries north of the border that in the event of a measure of devolution or independence , to which the Opposition parties aspire , the likeliest result would be that many of the financial services companies would move south of the border ?
6 It may be that some of the liabilities you listed have actually been overcome in the last few years .
7 First , it may be that some of the old churches are resistant to change and to the gospel .
8 It may be that some of the produce offered to the temple for the gods and goddesses was discreetly diverted to the royal household ; it may also be , as with many later monarchies , that the royal authority depended on the religious establishment for validation .
9 It may be that some of the campaign violence was independent activity by local commanders , not the result of orders issued by Khmer Rouge headquarters .
10 It could well be that some of the summit surfaces of the Hercynian blocks are Eogene pediplains , while the weathering responsible for the formation of tors may have been tropical weathering of the same date .
11 Another reason may be that some of the management team who are already shareholders in Target , or other vendor shareholders , will wish to exchange their Target shares for Newco shares without triggering a disposal for capital gains tax purposes ( see ss135 , 137 and 138 TCGA 1992 ) .
12 He said : ‘ Middlesbrough has unusually poor health and one of the reasons could be that some of the people are socially and economically deprived . ’
13 Mr Lang now says : ‘ It may well be that some of the assumptions that Touche Ross made will be less relevant when the final decisions are taken .
14 In this context , it may very well be that several of the mammalian Oct proteins described , except for Oct-1 and -2 , may not be true octamer-binding proteins .
15 ‘ Could be that any of the other partners used it ? ’ he suggested .
16 What is even more significant for wage profiles is that all of the figures quoted for average tenure are well below the 25–30 years that it takes to reach the peak of the earnings profile .
17 What has happened is that all of the tiresome lags in adjustment of activity to changes in monetary policy which used to worry macroeconomists have been dramatically foreshortened by the introduction of the rational expectations hypothesis .
18 all money received in respect of the insurance effected by the Landlord pursuant to this clause shall belong to the Landlord The problem is that all of the events set out in 7.6.3 seem reasonable , but the fact is that any suspension of the landlord 's obligation to reinstate could lead to uncertainty , which is not in the best interests of either party .
19 ‘ The problem is that neither of the two new systems being applied to our urban and rural services is suitable in the case of these long lengths of medium-use track , ’ says David Wilkinson , Regional Railways ' signalling and telecommunications engineer .
20 The third possibility is that neither of the others can work .
21 The consequence is that neither of the two bands observed for the difluoride should be assigned to either of the expected group modes , the GeF 2 antisymmetric stretch and the GeH 2 rock ; both are due to whole-molecule modes ; with contributions from both group modes .
22 It is at the conferences of Labour , the party that killed the grammar schools , that you see one fruit of that enlightened policy , which is that many of the younger delegates are incoherently illiterate .
23 A third is that many of the buy-outs and recapitalisations succeeded because the managers knew something the shareholders did not about future cash flows .
24 My judgement is that many of the problems are grossly exaggerated . ’
25 Another trend is that many of the new firms actually like being small .
26 Related to this dependence is that many of the metals are imported from countries which either have a near-monopoly , are politically unstable or which are ideologically opposed to the capitalist West .
27 The problem is that many of the PCs currently on offer have not been thoroughly tested prior to despatch , and come complete with one or more faults .
28 The single greatest limitation to effective performance is that many of the rewards organizations offer are ineffective .
29 One of the key features of contemporary ocean shipment is that many of the vessels travel faster than the airmailed ocean bill of lading .
30 The great experimental merit of Aplysia , by contrast with Drosophila , which has as many neurons , or the octopus , which has far more , is that many of the Aplysia neurons are very large — up to a millimetre or so in diameter — and they are located in characteristic and recognizable patterns , which are reproducible from animal to animal .
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