Example sentences of "be not think to be " in BNC.

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1 PROPERTY stocks and high interest rates are not thought to be a good combination .
2 Moreover , except in the context of a common market they are not thought to be of interest to outsiders .
3 A 23-year-old man was taken to York District Hospital but his injuries are not thought to be serious .
4 The two events are not thought to be connected .
5 It is women who are not thought to be assertive .
6 After two days of almost non-stop rain , the first day was washed out completely , since the lakes dotted around the ground were not thought to be conducive to good cricket .
7 The remaining two pups were not registered with the AKC , as they were not thought to be of high enough merit .
8 Honey had been the only sweetener ; sugar had been as expensive as cinnamon or cloves and it could be taxed as a luxury in the firm belief that this would not make life harder for the working classes who were not thought to be consumers of sugar , though this was clearly changing in the eighteenth century .
9 The three men , two of whom were subsequently found to have been carrying replica guns , were not thought to be IRA members but had known records of delinquency .
10 Police said two adults and three children were taken to Darlington Memorial Hospital but their injuries were not thought to be serious .
11 The Foreign Office has now issued a warning to tourists about terrorist activity in Egypt , and says the reason it was n't given out sooner is because British tourists were n't thought to be at risk .
12 The Hawiye clan , which dominates the rebel group currently threatening Mr Barre , is not thought to be vengeful .
13 Sir Patrick Mayhew , the latest incumbent of this difficult office , is not thought to be expecting any great political breakthrough .
14 In any case , the exact value of the time period — that is , the time during which the hose operates — is not thought to be particularly critical .
15 It is not thought to be suspicious .
16 PGL is not , in itself , an illness and is not thought to be a sign of impending illness .
17 But if Jesus of Nazareth is not thought to be unique , and the Christian story is just a myth , why , one must ask , should one who is a feminist choose to take up this particular myth when it is so male , and has central to it a male person who is held to be unique ?
18 If that is the rule , then there will be a good contract if the lapse of a week before acceptance is not thought to be an unreasonable time ; and , on these assumptions , A not having revoked his offer before acceptance is liable to B for breach of contract if he does not deliver the horse .
19 We 're asked to apprehend and detain the driver , who is not thought to be armed but who may resist arrest . ’
20 The incinerator is not thought to be exclusively responsible for the high local levels of dioxin .
21 The cause of the fire is not thought to be suspicious .
22 Police say the cause of the fire , which started in an empty top floor office suite , is not thought to be suspicious .
23 You see it 's not thought to be the thing
24 The development work is n't thought to be linked to Sun in any formal way , but the news comes just a week after Sun revealed that it is playing with a 64-bit Sparc , and outlined its intent to define the ground rules for such environments through a new release of Sparc International 's interface specification for 64-bit Sparc architectures ( UX No 380 ) .
25 In North Yorkshire , Orkney and Wester Ross ( predominantly part-time ) this was not thought to be so important .
26 Although the existence of nitrate pollution and its health implications had been known for decades , in the UK it was not thought to be much of a problem until 1984 .
27 The sharpening of the generalization gradient around a stimulus was in some way a consequence of the processes responsible for the formation of the S-R links but was not thought to be itself associative in nature .
28 His conclusions were far reaching and , although the experimental evidence was sound , it was not thought to be sufficiently convincing to challenge the ideas about sympathin .
29 As I listened to him fumbling for words of explanation , I wished he could have said boldly that what was thought to be so heinous today was not thought to be so then , but that looking back now , he deeply regretted what had happened .
30 Radical change by Government edict was not thought to be appropriate in England , where teachers had for long seen themselves as equal partners in the process of educational development and change .
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