Example sentences of "be not [pron] [to-vb] with " in BNC.

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1 So you can work it out now , how old I am Erm , what I do , is I run training courses and er , they are Management Skills Courses , they are not anything to do with insurances , because I know absolutely damn all about insurance .
2 It 's nothing , these are n't nothing to do with Mark .
3 And they were n't nothing to do with House !
4 More than one researcher abandoned the field with the argument that if the biochemical changes really ‘ coded for ’ memory in the brain then they would be too small to be measured , and if they were large enough to be measured then they probably were n't anything to do with memory .
5 They were about five yards apart and he was just deciding they were n't anything to do with him when they both took out pistols .
6 ‘ It 's not anything to do with biology or psychology or any science or the old philosophies — it 's something so deep that even the most delicately poised approach almost inevitably occludes it .
7 It 's individuals , it 's not anything to do with Glasgow .
8 ‘ This haste , ’ said Paul , ‘ it 's not anything to do with Zeinab , is it ? ’
9 ‘ It 's not mine to share with you . ’
10 No like that 's not it to go with their mates .
11 Is n't something to do with the with the the way it 's mixed is n't is n't Chris talking about No ?
12 One Protestant businessman in North Belfast who has rejected paramilitary demands for money said last week : ‘ Racketeering is n't anything to do with the cause of Ulster or loyalty .
13 ‘ This is n't anything to do with me , ’ he said .
14 It is n't anything to do with government at all .
15 And it says then it is n't anything to do with intelligence or anything like that .
16 That er is n't anything to do with people spying for instance ?
17 They were talking about language on Radio Four and erm what people e , it is n't anything to do with the training course we 're on , it 's the language .
18 He had been first away , for he was not one to linger with colleagues .
19 ‘ Two sharks got into the perspex tunnel and believe me the startled look we got from Sean was not anything to do with his acting ability , ’ said Terence .
20 ‘ We loved it when there was n't anyone to play with .
21 ‘ It was n't anything to do with the group .
22 I know now that it was n't anything to do with you .
23 It was n't anything to do with the nuclear industry , but a session on the TV game show Every Second Counts hosted by Paul Daniels [ pictured right ] .
24 It was n't anything to do with the way I felt or , for that matter , the way you felt … it was … ’
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