Example sentences of "be not [adj] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 they do n't talk so the language changes all the time , and each time they bring out a new d dictionary they try to say erm this is the way people talk , and bring it up to date so that we 're not all talking in the past .
2 Only that you know you 're not you 're not familiar talking to the artist .
3 In education no single customer is always right , people are n't all looking for the same things .
4 Look what Jesus says here in Luke chapter thirteen , in verse twenty four , just let me pick a few phrases out , verse twenty four it says shall not be able in verse twenty five there was their cry Lord open to us and in verse twenty seven their response depart from me the result in verse twenty eight there was gon na be weeping it was n't gon na be universal , they were not all gon na be saved , they were not all just gon na be swept in in the last day and did n't really matter , you 're all buddies together now in heaven , not at all , this surely what Jesus says here makes it very clear that all will not be saved if at first we 've already mentioned in John er no sorry verse further on in John three this done verse thirty six he who believes in the son has eternal life , but he who does not obey the son shall not see life but the wrath of God abides upon him , there 's no suggestion there of being ultimately brought in to God 's heaven and ultimately being saved , no it is the wrath of God abideth upon that person .
5 In joint working I tend to think first of health and social services but that is not joint working in its most realistic and adventurous kind .
6 That an event is characterized in terms of the interdependent existence of subject and content does not entail that it is not physical according to such a conception of the physical .
7 Alan 's case is not unusual according to watchdog Lautro .
8 So , erm , I 'm going to the toilet now , and then we 'll drive to college , because we 've got so much bloody washing , it 's not all going to principle French college , and erm , you
9 the first night sh we run her down to meet him right , me and him , I said oh go on Donna , said he 's a nice bloke , he 's not nice looking in fact he 's nothing , you know , nice looking at all but he 's a nice bloke , he got a , you know , bit of money and all that .
10 I was just there for Type ninety , and he has a wall of books in his living room that — the shells are some kind of Danish wall system from nineteen fifty-five and it seemed , you know , that the shelves were slightly saggy , a few nicks and scrapes , so it 's not new looking at all .
11 So in a way it 's not unlike working on the stage in a play .
12 Is n't that gon na is that gon na slow up the unloading of the containers considerably ?
13 Is n't that going to the very heart of prayer — a two-way conversation in which we talk and in which we do some listening as well ?
14 ‘ There is n't much loving in any of your kindnesses , Jane , ’ the middle-aged hero of John Osborne 's Inadmissible Evidence ( 1965 ) complains to his daughter in a long , unanswered diatribe against the younger generation — a new race of adolescents capable , for the first time , of subduing the earth around them and thinking nothing of it : ‘ not much kindness , not even cruelty , really , in any of you . ’
15 Is n't Compact going to be one more thing they introduce before they 've worked it out ?
16 Mowat is n't half going for him .
17 Is n't this interfering with your own writing ? ’
18 Jumbo was not happy working with them and they all knew it .
19 ‘ E was n't 'alf lookin' at me .
20 ‘ On the Friday night I had stayed up to watch the late film , and at 3.30am I decided that it was n't worthwhile going to bed as I had to be at John 's house at seven o'clock .
21 There was n't much talking at all until Mrs. Favor started after the McLaren girl .
22 There was n't much talking between them , apart from pleases and thankyous when Dot heard how two of them spoke awkwardly with unfluent foreign accents .
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