Example sentences of "be a [noun sg] [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 And they 're a way of getting a lot a lot of things in a in a in a space .
2 Yes , I think that an insight feminists have had about soap operas , about the real contributions they make , is that they 're a way of starting conversations about important topics , either in the family or with colleagues at work or whatever .
3 He probably thinks you 're a plonker for carrying a rucksack and wearing hefty boots with gaiters when the temperature is in the eighties .
4 You 're an expert at surviving without being close to a woman .
5 He gave a shout of laughter , then said , ‘ My oath — you 're an expert at finding an answer .
6 ‘ I am a specialist at handling irascible women . ’
7 It does not have to be the only thing which persuaded him to do so but it does have to have been a factor in influencing him .
8 It may have been a factor in leading a plaintiff to sue in the county court rather than the High Court when his or her claim lay within its jurisdiction .
9 The source of ivory may well have been a factor in reserving it very largely to symbolic rather than practical use .
10 They also believe that their poor accomodation may have been a factor in loosing the baby .
11 So the history of train transport has partly been a history of striving for greater efficiency and lower fuel costs — one percent at the very beginning to forty percent now with diesel .
12 The high capital costs of building a good ‘ medium-secure ’ unit on a general hospital site with other admission beds has been a deterrent to developing more suitable facilities .
13 Sometimes it has been a case of seeing something done really well and it inspires us to do it even better .
14 ‘ Since then it 's mostly been a case of building up our database .
15 But it has been a case of getting better at managing the cash ; better at keeping down the costs .
16 But getting the internal cost structure right for the 1990s has not simply been a case of manning level reductions .
17 Indeed , you had , you had thought about it and so it would just have been a case of saying , yes , this is obvious .
18 Clearly , CMHTs have been a vehicle for coordinating the work of a wide variety of professionals involved with mentally handicapped people .
19 In the middle of a prime corn-growing district , Chichester is unlikely to have been a centre of putting out ; high wages there probably showed the influence of a craft-based manufacture , though on too small a scale to have any marked effect on the level and distribution of wealth .
20 There has been a revolution in printing techniques , and stationery with well designed bold letter headings is inexpensive to purchase , gives identity , creates impact , reinforcing the message of quality and care .
21 In every resolution , there has been a reference to making the money available for other ’ social and economic priorities ’ , thus confirming that the Labour party is the party of high taxation .
22 What is already clear is that it has been a success in developing our own AI-skilled personnel .
23 Early assessments indicate that fundholding has been a success in enabling practices to manage their budgets and develop patient services in the way it chooses .
24 What I think we had , and not me personally , as I say I had no proposals , but what I think some members of our group may have had was statements about what the Liberal Democrats were prepared to do , so there has n't been a negotiation , but it certainly has n't been a rejection of listening on our part erm .
25 The researchers concluded that ‘ one may infer that many felt there had been a conflict between studying for interest 's sake and studying for examination success ’ .
26 For many professions , including surveyors , there has been a tradition of forbidding the carrying on of business under the protection of limited liability .
27 There has long been a tradition of separating these ‘ special ’ clinics from the rest of the hospital , and many of them still go under euphemistic titles such as ‘ Martha and Luke ’ clinic , James Pringle House , or ‘ Lydia ’ clinic .
28 There has been a tradition of networking in Japan since before the Second World War .
29 She had also been a builder before coming to the school and ended up doing most of the work .
30 It would have been a way of criticising his regime which it was difficult to counter directly , and , in the short term perhaps most troublesome of all , it was possibly also a source of popular disorder .
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