Example sentences of "be the word [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It 's , it 's living in harmony I suppose will be the word you know the , the environment sort of moves in to the power station and does n't get attacked , everywhere else gets attacked you know , people scrub up the weeds in the garden and things like that , here they 're allowed to grow , the butterflies come in , insects , great you know just , just love it .
2 So if you start using scare quotes , it may be the words you do not put them round which become the problem .
3 you say any word and see if the LH reacts to it as being the word you meant to say .
4 ‘ Too soon ’ were the words I used . ’
5 The voice did not come from Cornelius , although those were the words he had in mind to use .
6 They were the words he had been wanting to hear and with an exultant roar , and with both arms at once around her , he pulled her close up to him .
7 ‘ There is no need for sadness or shame , Kraal ! ’ were the words he spoke , not knowing where the thoughts in his mind were coming from .
8 Those were the words he spoke to her as she lay in his arms in the vulnerable moments following his pleasure when only a lout — in his opinion — would turn away from a woman without a word and go to sleep .
9 It would , he did say , any sensible priest would n't want them to stand out , I think those were the words he used , immediately anyway .
10 Underneath , on the same stone , were the words she had added :
11 Those were the words she had to remember .
12 These were the words she had longed to hear , the ones she had wished for that day at the Trevi Fountain .
13 Those were the words she used .
14 It is the word we have heard so often in Genesis .
15 ‘ Gone ’ is the word they use .
16 ‘ Stalemate is the word I think you want , ’ she said , congratulating herself on her dry tone .
17 I should say I hardly recognised him but scarcely is the word I have picked up in the strange places to which Sebastian and I have journeyed .
18 Yeah I know but Marks and Spencers are a crap shop I do n't care if they go out of business they 're a rip off anyway , they 're so expensive , such crap clothes , they 're so common , that 's the word I 've been looking for common , that 's my word of the week I think er common common , does it not get to ya looking like everyone else ?
19 That 's the word I think you 're looking for .
20 There 's an ux-ux-what 's the word I want ? ’
21 And then it was further endorsed because I went to hear him at Johnstown and I thought to myself well I felt sorry that he was erm what 's the word I want ?
22 Because I did n't think he 'd have the erm what 's the word I want ?
23 They , what 's the word you want ?
24 You see what we 're saying , it 's , it 's the words you use in your objective .
25 Them 's the words he used to me
26 Wherever the early Christians went , it was the Word they carried ( Acts 8:4 ) .
27 That was the word they used as a condition : So long as you stay balanced , darling . ’
28 They said lost of women need to be — what was the word they used ? — cajoled into sex .
29 And it was new seeing her mother leaning back with a drink and a cigarette , looking years younger than her age ; and she herself felt different , older , suddenly , if older was the word she wanted .
30 Obligations was the word he used .
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