Example sentences of "be the [noun sg] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 His letter was hearty , breezy , man-to-man : let it never be thought , it seemed to say , that I am the man who can put your academic career on the chopping block by a couple of words in the right places .
2 ‘ For as long as I am the champion I will not recognise or defend or fight for their dishonoured belt . ’
3 I am the captain you will not obey .
4 To which I replied , ‘ This is not the substance of what he said , and if it had been the substance he would have divided the Cabinet ’ ' ( 15 December 1964 ) .
5 If this had been the case I may possibly have been offered some cosmetic surgery , but this wo n't happen because it 's a natural part of pregnancy .
6 There was a finding that the contractors were at fault with regard to the old shafts , but it is not clear that they should have realised that their conduct would affect the plaintiff 's land and even if this had been the case there would have been a serious issue at that times whether the defendant was liable for the negligence of his contractor .
7 All my has been the way it should .
8 The facilities on the A4 are the kind you 'd expect on a unit costing rather more .
9 Blessed are the gentleman they shall have the earth for their possessions .
10 Perhaps they assume that if they are the customer they will be liable for their clients ' obligations as principal .
11 Well , I feel you are the person I would most like to save from hell .
12 These are the course which will fill their vacancies rapidly .
13 Under the first few sample questions are guidelines to help you understand what the interviewer is hoping to find out so that you can construct replies which show why you are the candidate who should get the job .
14 You are the lover who will woo your readers , who will bring them under your power by the words you write .
15 All these people are the sort who will get really upset by this criticism . ’
16 They are the reason I could not contemplate a life lacking a daily sight of hills .
17 Ever since the days of Noah 's swimming regattas , the common feature of all sports has been the requirement for physical fitness and the general rule that the fitter you are the better you will perform .
18 You just have to pretend that you 're the ghost who might meet you . ’
19 ‘ You befriend the person and therefore do whatever a caring relative would do for them , care for their needs , so that they know that you 're the person they can turn to .
20 If you 're the person who can ride with responsibility it it is a loss .
21 We 're gon na make it safe cos when you 're the door you can actually walk in the door and and get clobbered with a lot of bales I feel so we 're gon na make that safe .
22 Your friends are the ones who say , Well you 're the guy who could do this .
23 ‘ Well that 's the case anyway : whether it would stand up in court you 're the lawyer you 'd know better than I but we 're not talking about courts and proof just leaks and public opinion .
24 ‘ And I 'm the man you 'll have tonight , when we reach Thailand ! ’
25 I 'm the kind you can trample for a time .
26 ‘ The thing is , ’ she said , ‘ that he still thinks I 'm the person he used to know when we all lived in the old hole in the bank .
27 How wide will be the experience you will receive in the firm ?
28 But exalted be the man who can use such a creation to pen a thankyou note come Boxing Day .
29 ‘ And Den would be the man who 'd know about horses . ’
30 the day you lift your hand to me or your father would be the day you would n't walk again cos I 'd cripple you .
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