Example sentences of "do [adv] depend on " in BNC.

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1 Edward , on the other hand , had always been accorded a mysterious potency : ‘ They do so depend on him at Croxford . ’
2 Catalogues raisonnés of modern artists do not depend on scholarly guesswork at attributions , and thus lack the laconic critical judgements reached by connoisseurs .
3 But theirs are reasons which apply to them and which do not depend on , i.e. are not meant to reflect , reasons which apply to their subjects .
4 Notice that these examples do not depend on the law being unjust .
5 Commendations of neutrality , while consistent with such a view , do not depend on it .
6 The industries do not depend on one another , nor on the larger five basic industries .
7 Their relative independence of the councils which set them up means that deals can be negotiated and long-term arrangements achieved which do not depend on detailed discussion through council committee .
8 Meanwhile other chemists have tried to fashion totally synthetic models that do not depend on a porphyrin ligand .
9 For the visual computations algorithmically defined by Ullman do not depend on high-level processes capable of identifying ( recognizing ) objects as members of a specific class : the system does not need to know that an object is a fish , or even that it has the 3-D shape that it has , in order to know that it is an object .
10 These conclusions follow from the fact that all of the correspondence-computation , and much of the interpretation-computation , is via low-level , autonomous processes that do not depend on recognition of the input as a familiar 3-D object .
11 The correspondence-computations match primitive elements ( those defined by Marr ) in successive views , and do not depend on computation of the overall shape as a whole .
12 Fortunately , there are some issues that do not depend on such a level of specificity .
13 Most vertebrates , including those without forebrain auditory connections , with functioning auditory systems can detect sounds , discriminate between sound frequencies , and localize sounds by means of orienting movements , indicating that these abilities do not depend on neocortex .
14 But Gilligan also says that she is not interested simply in data , and that her arguments do not depend on the statistical significance of her results .
15 Not all the people who indulge in these tastes are addicts — that is , they do not depend on their habit in a way that seems clearly abnormal to the bulk of people who do not share their tastes .
16 To summarize , presidents do not depend on the trading of favours alone .
17 As the story goes , these are statements , first , which have the distinction that their truth-values do not depend on the truth-values of statements they contain .
18 A second group of statements has the distinction that their truth-values do not depend on whether there does exist a thing called for by a contained referring expression .
19 First , they do not depend on children 's literacy or oracy skills .
20 I have quoted these latter points at length because I can readily agree with them , and consider them important , but what I find politically weakening is the dichotomy between promoting socialist developments which do not depend on the existence of a socialist government and the stigmatised ‘ scheming ’ as to what such a government should do .
21 As most of the considerations discussed below do not depend on whether indexing is full or partial , the reader should assume from now on that partial indexing is being discussed .
22 Set up a lab like mine and run the same experiments , and anyone should be able to come up with the same results , for they do not depend on excessively mysterious skills or tricks , and science is after all , in the words of its most passionately admiring philosophers , public knowledge .
23 ‘ You ca n't control finances unless you control policy , ’ he claims — a principle on which he has provided Opera North with well-balanced books which do not depend on churning out Bohème and Carmen every night .
24 We hope that it has not escaped the reader that the predictions concerning the different effects of word and feature masks do not depend on the mask being a word ; they depend only on the mask being composed of letters .
25 Note that the components of eqn ( 4.11 ) do not depend on time , and so the Schwarzschild metric is static .
26 He emphasizes that words do not depend on reality for their meaning .
27 These contributions , which do not depend on the point group or even the particular orientation of the symmetry element , are listed in Table 5.1 .
28 These effects have been exaggerated , and do not depend on the technology alone .
29 This procedure can be rigorously justified , but roughly speaking the linear flow in B is justified for B small enough , and the affine transformation is justified because the time taken by trajectories to traverse the tubes T or 5 is small compared with the time they spend within B. It is also permissible , for r close to r* , to assume that the eigenvalues } i and the matrix A are constants which do not depend on r , whereas a and b depend linearly on ( r-r* ) .
30 Information skills such as concept/keywords analysis do not depend on the type of microcomputer program used and thus little time is spent on teaching skills based on the technical aspects of using the microcomputer Pupils can produce valuable work without being sophisticated users of the system .
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