Example sentences of "could [not/n't] [be] ignored " in BNC.

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1 He said that while he viewed the ‘ inner circle ’ story as nonsense , the allegations could not be ignored and he had asked Mr Stevens to investigate .
2 In 1928 he returned to the ‘ Stones of London ’ , emphasizing that even when approaching a church building ( here Westminster Abbey ) as a historical monument of major symbolic value and aesthetic interest , the fact could not be ignored that , poets ' corner or no , ‘ the Abbey was not originally designed primarily as a Pantheon , but as a Church ; and a Church it remains until it is ‘ disaffected ’ .
3 These were considerations that could not be ignored by a Conservative leader , Austen Chamberlain had been toppled in 1922 because he had not withdrawn from an unpopular coalition in time ; and one of the motives for the destruction of the Lloyd George coalition was a desire to replace it by a protectionist government .
4 The trigger had been the near fatality which , although in itself buried , had awakened a great deal of emotional hurt that could not be ignored and for which he was impelled to seek help .
5 The possibility of a ‘ domino ’ effect in all counties in the District could not be ignored and Hickson had also left open the possibilities for further expansion in his original letter to Wash :
6 Clearly , if not the ghost , then the organism in the black box could not be ignored .
7 Their remains were so abundant that they could not be ignored .
8 Because of the common frontier between the two countries , and also because of considerable French economic interests which had grown during the period of the Second Empire , whatever happened on the far side of the Pyrenees could not be ignored by the government in Paris .
9 But if this large population of unwilling immigrants did not immediately worry the Lebanese , the emergence of Gamal Abdul Nasser 's Arab nationalism could not be ignored .
10 Once on the motorway Ludens was able to calm his mind by , what could not be ignored , the pleasure of driving the magnificent car .
11 Cirencester could not be ignored by the Royalists .
12 But scandals such as the one given publicity by the naval captain 's angry wife could not be ignored .
13 The needs of Muscovy 's new military backbone could not be ignored .
14 While the challenge could not be ignored , Robson felt that it would not be resolved by recourse to conceptualistic argument .
15 And today is the hundredth anniversary of Erwin Panofsky 's birth , which really could not be ignored .
16 The significance of this could not be ignored .
17 Eventually , it was hoped , this would lead to a demand for peace which could not be ignored , at which moment the stronger party would be able to dictate the terms it wished .
18 While the widespread building of town walls in the second half of the fourteenth century provided a measure of safety against marauding forces ( even against the Companies ) , such fortifications could not be ignored by an enemy bent upon conquest .
19 Despite its imperfections , which were soon to become well ventilated by the circumstances of individual cases coming before the courts , there were two outcomes which could not be ignored .
20 She was Amossy Chilcott 's granddaughter and , whatever the circumstances , that fact could not be ignored .
21 The ground swell of concern continued at a sufficient level that the issue could not be ignored .
22 Sukarno 's defiance could not be ignored indefinitely by de Graaff , and on 29 December 1929 he was arrested .
23 The long muted voice of Nizan , unfashionable for almost twenty years , began speaking again with an urgency and topicality that simply could not be ignored .
24 I wanted to show the break that she made under the pressure which could not be ignored or left without a response .
25 It was true that Afghanistan refrained from assuming open multilateral military commitments but the character and scale of Soviet-Afghan bilateral military relations could not be ignored in this context .
26 But , as indicated above , the real importance of the singularity theorems was that they showed that the gravitational field must become so strong that quantum gravitational effects could not be ignored .
27 The second contract could not be ignored since it was not an ‘ independent and disconnected ’ transaction ; the same buyer bought the same goods from the same seller .
28 Unfortunately the lemonade was beginning to wreak its awful revenge in several ways , one of which could not be ignored .
29 Gradually , however , governments came to feel that second-best considerations could not be ignored .
30 Peck was annoyed at the interruption , but there was something in the bearing of the man who stood before him which could not be ignored .
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