Example sentences of "out into the sunshine " in BNC.

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1 Winning the French Open took him through the door , down the passage , into the street and out into the sunshine Fame .
2 Wexford went out into the sunshine and the knot garden .
3 Brought up in the ethic of duty , this was hard for Jane to get used to , but when she broke out into the sunshine , it was all the more joyous , and she thanked God , or Nature , or Fate , or whatever power there is , that it had happened for her in her lifetime .
4 Perhaps I had managed to fulfil their expectations , because their faces became less watchful and they smiled , and said goodbye before walking primly up the path — to burst out into the sunshine and race each other down the hill .
5 In her mind , she often saw herself striding towards it , through it , out into the sunshine beyond to be part of that bright , busy , civilized world where people like Simon smiled , listened , and were polite to each other .
6 Sam took his out into the sunshine .
7 He ducked his head and made to step out into the sunshine .
8 One of the best ways of getting enough vitamin D is to go out into the sunshine .
9 We carried on for a few more yards , then retraced our steps down to the main level and back out into the sunshine .
10 Out into the sunshine again .
11 When tall , angled , high-gabled and firm , they have perfected the art of looming , and some of their gateways are arched with stone , and some of their tower windows might still have a Mary , Queen of Scots , or a tartan Lady of Shalott roaming soulfully behind their small winking panes , or a Rapunzel leaning out into the sunshine .
12 Wycliffe came out into the sunshine , blinking ; Emily saw him off like an old friend .
13 She walked straight through the sitting-room and out into the sunshine .
14 Yet , directly I stepped out into the sunshine again , my superior self took over , and I looked at the matter differently .
15 Collecting up his shirt , he sauntered out into the sunshine .
16 I pass through the room and out into the sunshine .
17 I ca n't wait to get out into the sunshine .
18 This is crazy , Sabine thought , as they went out into the sunshine .
19 As she followed him out into the sunshine , Sabine thought , I 'll ask him later , and pushed the memory of Antoinette 's venom to the furthest recesses of her mind .
20 The engine barked , a harsh hacking sound , and they rolled out into the sunshine .
21 As they stepped out into the sunshine Mena Iskander 's reticule slipped and fell on the ground .
22 Travis squinted out into the sunshine .
23 ‘ I 'm not interested , ’ she said , and walked past him and out into the sunshine .
24 He ate it quickly + then went out into the sunshine .
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