Example sentences of "been founded in [num] " in BNC.

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1 Churchward was determined to provide Swindon works with the best and most modern plant and machinery possible , the works having been founded in 1842 by Brunel and ( Sir ) Daniel Gooch [ q.v . ] .
2 The anarchist , or more accurately anarcho-syndicalist , CNT ( National Confederation of Labour ) had been founded in 1910–11 ; its main bastions were Catalonia , where socialist strength in the working class was virtually non-existent ; Andalusia , where anarchism drew vigour from a long tradition of rural insurrectionism and millenarianism ; Zaragoza ; and parts of Asturias , Valencia and Galicia .
3 A medieval merchant city , unlike any other in Ireland , it had been founded in 1232 by a Norman knight , Richard de Burgo , at the mouth of the River Corrib , facing the Atlantic Ocean .
4 The New English Art Club had been founded in 1886 somewhat in defiance of the Royal Academy , and the Fitzroy Street Group was a dissatisfied breakaway from it .
5 Furious reform agitation spread from Birmingham , where Thomas Attwood 's " Political Union of the Lower and Middle Classes of the People " had been founded in 1829 , to London and the south .
6 The Farrier and Naturalist had also been founded in 1828 and it too was critical of the College , but its style was one of personal attack on Coleman .
7 Eastwards are the ruins of the ancient Chapel of St Mary , reputed to have been founded in 911 AD ; bounded by the marram grass-covered sand dunes of Rattray Head .
8 A second body was the Protestant Dissenting Deputies which had been founded in 1732 and was , by the end of the nineteenth century , healthier than its older friend although The Christian World noted in 1901 that it ‘ seems to have fallen on evil days ’ .
9 The theatre was built on the site of the old church of Santa Maria della Scala which had been founded in 1381 by Beatrice della Scala , wife of Bernabo Visconti .
10 The college had been founded in 1823 by George Birkbeck as a ‘ Mechanics ' Institute ’ , enshrining those virtues of self-improvement and industry which corresponded with the best qualities in the character of William Joyce .
11 The ULF had been founded in 1920 but remained a small organization affiliated to the Labour Party in 1934 on a membership of only three hundred .
12 C.B. Cox and A. E. Dyson also writing in 1968 , recall that Critical Quarterly had been founded in 1958 with the intention of opposing that kind of cultural " pessimism " associated with the sense of a " breakdown of classic humanism " of Steiner 's " after Auschwitz " thesis .
13 The town was believed to have been founded in 1163 though most of the surviving old buildings date from the 16th. and 17th. centuries .
14 The Tunisian League of Human Rights ( LTDH ) , which had been founded in 1977 , ceased operation in mid-June , having failed to comply with a new law which required that all such associations should open up their membership to members of all political parties and which also banned office-holders in political parties from belonging to such private associations .
15 Christ 's Hospital had been founded in 1553 for the ‘ orphaned , aged and sick poor ’ , but by the time of Coleridge 's arrival it had long outgrown its origins to become the foremost of England 's charity schools .
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