Example sentences of "have long since [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The receipts from his shows have long since moved from the realms of the fantastic into those of the ludicrous .
2 ‘ But think of all the mating generations that have long since poured their different bloodlines into her .
3 Seeing just how comprehensive a work this is , with factory serial number , date of registration , date of next C of A expiry , owner's/operator 's name and probable base all listed , I can only surmise that the note-scribblers/pocket memo mumblers — many of whom seem not to have the slightest knowledge or interest in the type of aeroplane on which the letters are painted — are performing the latter-day equivalent of the sacred ritual which I and many others who have long since outgrown it once enacted in John W.R. Taylor 's ABC of Civil Aircraft Makings .
4 The plant and the soil it grew in have long since spilled from the toppled pot and been washed away in the winter rains .
5 You have long since suspected what happened to your half-brother after the Gruagach stormed Tara and killed the King . ’
6 Hindus have long since seen that we have to transcend separateness .
7 She is past the menopause and she and Abraham have long since given up sexual intercourse .
8 Overtaking needs a bit more planning , but for those who have long since given up the chase and opted for a more dignified life , this is a lot of car for the money plus a BMW badge to ride behind .
9 The seagulls have long since given up on this ferry .
10 This remains one of the strongest reasons why so many parents still want their children to have RE even though they themselves have long since given up having much to do with religion .
11 Birds have long since given up trying to nest in her eaves .
12 Roland GR-1 Guitar Synth The popular image of guitar synthesis is that of a tired old dog people have long since stopped throwing sticks for .
13 Takamine have long since featured in the upper echelon of electro-acoustic manufacturers and this guitar enters the range in the mid to upper price bracket .
14 Both the military and civilian sector in the RSA have long since discovered that the only replacement for a Dakota is another Dakota !
15 MESSRS McAndrew and Davison have long since discovered that , post-retirement , the world is their oyster .
16 The gap has narrowed because the French have long since accepted EMS disciplines , and cheaper money ( as well as lower inflation ) is their prize .
17 They not infrequently turn for some answers to the religion that they may have been introduced to in the past but have long since rejected .
18 They so often have long since lost the literal meaning of their origins , and thus they are frequently capable of causing gross confusion and comic misunderstanding .
19 Non-medical advocates of reform have long since lost faith in that concept .
20 All of these uses of the railway station survive in the oral evidence of many North American villages and townships that have long since lost their rail service .
21 One thing which has struck me very forcibly through the years is that most of the classic evolutionary lineages of my student days , such as Ostrea-Gryphaea and Zaphrentis delanouei , have long since lost their scientific respectability , and in spite of the plethora of palaeontological information we now have available , there seems to be very little to put in their place .
22 Unfortunately , the galleries have long since gone , but William Green 's etching of the market place shows the gallery on the market building and one above the entrance to The Slack .
23 Most have long since gone , leaving behind their legacy of sunless , blanket afforestation .
24 The days of little envelopes of happy powder being dropped into expectant palms have long since gone , and what 's taken its place ?
25 Though the sales have long since gone the mill now has a castellated top and refulgent water vane in the shape of a beer bottle .
26 The Victoria and Royal Hotels have long since gone but in addition to Petwood there is another fine looking place to stay — The Gold Hotel .
27 The days of the truly great power portrait , the majestic Victorian and Edwardian canvases that hang so solemnly in the darker corridors of the National Portrait Gallery , have long since gone .
28 Man-made fibres and plastic sheeting have long since replaced the porous cambric or fine cotton linen which had been the standard material for sails over seven decades .
29 While their challenge was clearly the most serious to have been presented to President Ceausescu , and was made with the full knowledge of important facts , it was also made by people who have long since left the political scene , mainly having retired , or been retired — prematurely — by Mr Ceausescu .
30 This task is an important one because of the enormous amounts of program in the hands of organizations whose original writers have long since left without leaving any description of what they had done .
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