Example sentences of "were confronted [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Whilst the Habsburgs were consolidating their power in central Europe they were confronted on the east by Hungary and in the south by the Venetian republic .
2 On Aug. 4 the Ciskei military forces were confronted on the borders of the bantustan by 30,000 protesters , who were eventually allowed to hold a rally within Ciskei , following negotiations with Brig.
3 Paintings of angels with guns appeared at a time when the religious orders were confronted with the stubborn persistence of pre-conquest religion amongst their Indian charges .
4 PASSENGERS on the 7.00 am Paris-Brussels express experienced something of a gastronomic shock yesterday when they were confronted with the Great British Breakfast .
5 To take an example from my own professional field , sinology , the first Christian missionaries in China were confronted with the Neo-Confucian cosmology , for which the universe is composed of something called ch'i and ordered by something called li .
6 Once round the bend , they were confronted with the sight of a mass of men hurrying towards them , a few hundred yards off , some mounted but most afoot , in no sort of order , spread and strung out over perhaps quarter of a mile of gently-rising ground , with the monkish buildings and its township behind , as well as the tented encampment .
7 In the May of 1808 the constituted authorities all over Spain were confronted with the dilemma which discredited civil governors on the outbreak of the Civil War in July 1936 .
8 When , in the past , men were confronted with the problem of differentiating themselves from animals they tended to do so in terms of human attributes such as self-consciousness , rationality , free-will , or the possession of a soul or a moral sense .
9 We er , the we , we have also to make statements on the indigenous people and land rights because we were confronted with the position of Aborigine people in er , Australia .
10 During the next course they were faced by the representation of a ‘ man of warre ’ standing in fire ( associated with summer and the choleric humour ) ; and while consuming the third course they were confronted by the form of a man with a ‘ sikelle in his hande ’ standing in a river ( signifying water and the phlegmatic humour associated with autumn and harvest-time ) .
11 They were confronted by the robbers who demanded cash .
12 New moralists , as much as purity feminists , were confronted by the power relations embedded in existing languages and the difficulties of transforming them .
13 Earlier , horrified office staff were confronted by the man who staggered , in flames from the waist up , into their building .
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