Example sentences of "had be expel from " in BNC.

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1 Arabs who had been expelled from their land and thrust into the condition of Jewish refugees are hereby reformulated as imperialist aggressors and as Nazis .
2 Liu Binyan had been expelled from the party and dismissed from his post in 1987 , and is living in exile in the US .
3 In FRCN 's view , therefore , the two state governors who had been expelled from the PRP led by Aminu Kano in fact belonged to no party at all , and their claim to be in the official PRP had no validity .
4 Between 1870 and 1880 the Jesuits had been expelled from Germany , religious orders dissolved , the State had interfered with the discipline of the clergy , civil marriage had been made obligatory and Prussia had withdrawn its financial support from Catholic churches .
5 Rhee had been expelled from the exiled ‘ government ’ because of his maverick qualities in 1925 and he had then functioned as an independent , although claiming still to be the authentic voice of the government .
6 Prevented from continuing his studies because his parents had been expelled from the Communist Party after 1968 — one of the most pernicious aspects of Husak 's ‘ normalisation ’ — he worked as a stablehand , bulldozer driver and finally bricklayer .
7 ( N.S. ) 709 the applicant had been expelled from his fellowship by the provost and fellows of King 's College , Cambridge .
8 To Abbott and Hornsby were added the names of Captain Lawrence , with whom Wilson had been associated in the formation of the Certificated Officers ' Union , Maurice Darby , the originator of the first Glasgow branch who was alleged to have gone over to the Shipping Federation in 1890 , Robert Pleasance , former secretary of the Tower Hill branch who had been expelled from the union in the same year , and a Thomas Carey , an official of the NSFU discharged for unsatisfactory conduct in 1911 who , Wilson claimed , immediately became involved with the Federation and , while still in its pay , assisted Lewis in setting up the British Seafarers ' Union .
9 He had been expelled from grammar school at the age of sixteen , manufactured tie-dye T-shirts , and then worked in the refreshment kiosk in the monkey-house at London Zoo , where he had the distinction of organising the first strike ( of staff , not animals ) in the zoo 's history .
10 By 808 Eardwulf had been expelled from his kingdom , and Mercian involvement is suggested by a papal letter revealing that Cenwulf and the Northumbrian rebels had written to Charlemagne , to whom Eardwulf had fled .
11 Martin Lee , a leading member of Hong Kong 's " liberal lobby " who had been expelled from the BLDC in October 1989 [ see p. 36974 ] , condemned the draft and accused the UK government of conducting a " policy of appeasement " .
12 Two US diplomats ( out of a total of 55 ) had been expelled from Nicaragua on May 25 for allegedly inciting an opposition teachers ' trade union to public disturbances , and in retaliation two ( higher ranking ) Nicaraguans ( out of a total of only 15 ) were expelled from the USA on May 31 .
13 Members of HB , the political wing of the Basque separatist organization ETA , had been expelled from the Congress on Dec. 4 for qualifying the swearing-in formula with the words " due to legal imperative " [ see p. 37135 ] .
14 All had been expelled from the party in February [ see p. 37256 ] .
15 The opposition National Front for the Salvation of Libya stated that several of those promoted had taken part in purges of dissidents and had been expelled from European countries .
16 On April 30 , 1989 , a group of former ministers led by Basdeo Panday , who had been expelled from the NAR in October 1988 , [ see p. 36554 ] , announced the launch of their new political party , the United National Congress ( UNC ) .
17 Genscher recalled that the decision embodied in the treaty was a difficult one for all Germans , particularly the millions who had been expelled from their homes in the area annexed to Poland , but that the treaty surrendered nothing that had not been lost long ago .
18 No group claimed responsibility , but PLO officials said that Zayd had come to Tunis in October 1989 among a group of defectors from the Revolutionary Council of Fatah led by Sabri al-Banna ( Abu Nidal ) , who had been expelled from the PLO in 1974 .
19 Xinhua ( the New China News Agency ) reported on March 3 that Xu Jiatun , who had been replaced in February 1990 as head of Xinhua 's Hong Kong branch and thus as China 's de facto representative in Hong Kong [ see p. 37185 ] , had been expelled from the Chinese Communist Party and had lost his seat on the party 's central advisory commission for " deserting the party and the people " and going abroad without permission .
20 Most foreign journalists had been expelled from the area by March 5 .
21 Voice of Vietnam radio announced on March 12 that Bui Tin had been expelled from the CPV and dismissed from his post as deputy editor-in-chief of the party daily Nhan Dan .
22 Important armed forces appointments made by Cédras included the reinstatement of former Col. Phillipe Biamby , who had been expelled from the army while commander of the Presidential Guard for allegedly participating in the attempted coup of April 1989 [ see p. 36586 ] , as Army Chief of Staff with the rank of brigadier-general , and the promotion of Col. Jean-Claude Duperval , a former Port-au-Prince police chief , to deputy army commander with the rank of major-general .
23 On Dec. 22 the Senegalese weekly Le Témoin reported that Diamacoune Senghor , leader of the MFDC , had been expelled from Guinea-Bissau .
24 Nikolaev had been expelled from the Communist party in Leningrad .
25 Experiments were also performed on animals on days 11–14 after infection when the nematodes had been expelled from the animal .
26 On day 30 , when the nematodes had been expelled from the gut , fluid transport was back to control values .
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