Example sentences of "'s handling of the " in BNC.

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1 Mr Hawke 's handling of the dispute has come under increasing fire from business , unions and the press .
2 A KURDISH refugee who set fire to himself after being told his application for political asylum in Britain had failed has died , intensifying criticism of the Home Office 's handling of the Kurds ' plight , writes Mike Prestage .
3 In order to show how acute the problems were , let us return to the government 's handling of the railway network in 1922 .
4 In a vote of confidence on 28 March about the government 's handling of the industrial crisis , the Liberals , the Scottish Nationalists , and most of the Ulster MPs voted with the Conservatives , while the government enlisted the support only of the 3 Welsh Nationalists , 2 Scottish Labour , and 2 Ulstermen .
5 The implied condemnation by Archbishop Runcie of the jingo spirit of the Falklands War , and the open , if confused , critique of the government 's handling of the miners ' strike by the Bishop of Durham , David Jenkins , caused a widening breach between government and the established Church .
6 NICHOLAS Ridley offered £150million in ex gratia payments to investors in Barlow Clowes , but said the Government did not accept the main findings of the Ombudsman 's report into the DTI 's handling of the affair , writes Paul Nettleton .
7 ‘ But in the Government 's view the Department 's handling of the case was within the acceptable range of standards reasonably to be expected of a regulator . ’
8 Mr Ridley defended the DTI 's handling of the case and insisted it was ‘ within the acceptable range of standards reasonably to be expected of a regulator ’ .
9 Though the initial approval ratings for Mr Bush 's handling of the Gulf ( which were above 75% ) have not been sustained , he has consistently maintained the support of about 60% of Americans for his general policy .
10 He duly won the Washington International , but the race did little for harmony in transatlantic racing relations , for Lester Piggott 's handling of the colt provoked a bemused American press into heaping criticism on his apparently indifferent head .
11 ‘ My part in this was easy compared to his ’ , North tapped out one night to McFarlane , talking about Poindexter 's handling of the pre-Tehran manoeuvrings ; ‘ I only had to deal with our enemies .
12 It was the run-up period to a series of local elections , which were being widely viewed as a test of chancellor Kohl 's handling of the unification issue .
13 On the other , whatever tactical voting takes place will benefit Labour and the Liberal Democrats , and — as any Tory canvasser will attest — many Tory waverers remain deeply unhappy about the Government 's handling of the economy .
14 Criticisms of William Waldegrave 's handling of the health portfolio fuelled speculation that he might be sacked .
15 It was Morgan 's handling of the attempted bank raid a few days earlier in Cardiff which turned the trick .
16 Four weeks later The Smiths were bitterly complaining about Rough Trade 's handling of the record .
17 His career as a Scottish International ended after the ill-fated Argentina campaign when he vociferously criticised the SFA 's handling of the tour and complained about the standard of accommodation .
18 Mr Griffiths has written to Michael Heseltine , president of the Board of Trade , demanding an independent inquiry into the DTI 's handling of the case .
19 But a later report by Sir Anthony Barrowclough , Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration , criticised the DTI 's handling of the affair ( see ACCOUNTANCY , February 1990 , p 8 ) .
20 Meanwhile , Mr Major 's handling of the whole Maastricht issue was branded a total shambles last night .
21 It also follows severe criticism of the IAAF 's handling of the Butch Reynolds and Katrin Krabbe drugs cases .
22 Mr Major spoke again , praising the Chancellor 's handling of the crisis .
23 He then made it clear to the FA that he was unhappy with Parker 's handling of the game .
24 JOHN Major will be given a rough ride at the Tory conference in October over the Government 's handling of the economy .
25 Shadow Chancellor Gordon Brown last night blasted Mr Lamont 's handling of the economy .
26 The letter called for implementation of constitutional guarantees , freedom and justice , and criticized the government 's handling of the economy .
27 It is possible to detect a similar set of concerns in accounts of the NUM 's handling of the media in their year-long dispute with the Coal Board over pit closures .
28 Let us consider one ‘ test-case ’ for Paul VI 's handling of the Council .
29 Manager Intikhab earned a severe reprimand for to journalists that his players had been ‘ insulted ’ by umpire Palmer 's handling of the sweater .
30 Edward 's handling of the commons on matters of taxation showed his pragmatism and political skills at their best .
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