Example sentences of "'s insistence that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The same fact was responsible for Dennis 's insistence that we should take to the water .
2 In order to try and comply with the Sports Council 's insistence that we need to shorten our teacher training , the new students will follow a more intensive programme , scheduled on more frequent training days , to be known as Course II .
3 Flames of doubt were fanned by the crew 's insistence that they had activated the emergency radio beacon for a week , though it was not picked up .
4 They were not swayed by the Coal Board 's insistence that they could do what they wanted any more than by the unions ' claims about the threatened mines .
5 Back then he had argued with his son : had denied Yuan 's insistence that they were the gaolers of Tsao Ch'un 's City , the inheritors of a system which shaped them for ill .
6 Still , Huy had answered Surere 's summons , had even given in to the messenger 's insistence that they travel in the closed rickshaw , so that he would not be able to tell where they were going .
7 I yearned for Laurie and raged at the injustice of Jo 's making do with the elderly Professor Behr , unconvinced by the book 's insistence that she was happy .
8 It was at Ariel 's insistence that she was buried there in a cenote , the kind of grave the islanders reserved for their prophets , and Kit had yielded to her , even though it was well inside the stockade .
9 Brenda 's cheeks still burned with shame when she remembered her mother 's insistence that she should visit Hoggatt 's to see where her daughter was going to work , although Chief Inspector Martin , the Senior Police Liaison Officer , had apparently thought it perfectly reasonable .
10 She took over the phone in a vain attempt to replace Dana , only to admit defeat late on Thursday evening when she was forced , reluctantly , to agree to Myra 's insistence that she wear the wedding gown herself .
11 Her grandfather 's insistence that she was free to go out into the world now and take a course of training was so much nonsense .
12 These have been the Saturn years — during which that planet 's insistence that you measure up to your potential has placed hurdles of all sorts in your way .
13 After Jacobs Suchard 's failed bid for Rowntree in 1989 ( the company went to Nestlé instead ) , a merger with Cadbury was entertained , but foundered on Cadbury 's insistence that it was the senior partner .
14 It is unapologetically autobiographical and her frankness about her fictionalized feelings for Frend won her notoriety , despite the preface 's insistence that it was ‘ calculated to operate as a warning , rather than as an example ’ .
15 The delay in unveiling his initiative in full was caused by the Irish government 's insistence that it should be guaranteed involvement at an early stage in the talks .
16 The ANC also firmly rejected the government 's insistence that it disband its armed wing , Umkhonto we Sizwe ( MK ) , before a full transitional government was in place .
17 Here Rank 's insistence that he was in films to make money , that he would n't interfere because he knew nothing about production , was challenged by his lack of vision and , eventually , his weak stomach for full-blooded costume melodrama .
18 Labour 's apparent shift towards PR to woo the Liberals , Ashdown 's insistence that he would allow a government to function only if it gave way to PR , all seemed to point to a deal being hatched up behind the backs of the voters to secure power for the opposition parties .
19 Gorbachev 's talk of perestroika was met by Ceauşescu 's insistence that he was ‘ perfecting ’ the functioning of socialism in Romania .
20 But Neath are backing the player 's insistence that he merely took a cold remedy .
21 David was urged on by Beth 's insistence that he ‘ talk some sense into the boy , or watch him go from bad to worse ’ .
22 I was forced to put Micky Deere between the posts and the referee 's insistence that he remove his bi-focals meant he was two fathoms below useless .
23 Throughout the war , Generalísimo Franco 's insistence that he would be satisfied only with total victory and the ruthlessness with which he pursued that objective had made it clear that , if the Nationalists won , there would be no forgiving or forgetting .
24 I remember very well Ben 's insistence that he wanted to retain that quartet .
25 So after completing my National Service , I did all the things that everybody does when they 're trying to break into show business , urged on by my father 's insistence that I found employment of some sort — ‘ Get a job , any job , just get one !
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