Example sentences of "are more susceptible to " in BNC.

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1 Older people are more susceptible to cold , in part because information from the brain in response to a lower blood temperature and a cool skin is acted upon less readily by the systems in the body that normally carry out those instructions .
2 Farms in DRAs tend to be far less capital intensive than those in the more advantaged areas , and though as a result , are perhaps less exposed to the problem of debt-servicing than wealthier farmers , their incomes are more susceptible to relatively small fluctuations in commodity prices .
3 It must however , be carefully controlled because it is essential that a cover of perennial rather than annual grasses is maintained as the latter are more susceptible to drought .
4 The closer the stimulus or medicine is aligned to the healing in the patient the lower the dose of drug needed ; they are more susceptible to it .
5 Remember that residents are more susceptible to disease and infection than younger people .
6 Other causes may be mental frailty and diarrhoea caused by food poisoning , as old people are more susceptible to food poisoning through salmonella and listeria organisms .
7 SOME people are more susceptible to duodenal ulcers than others , and the problem for doctors is deciding just who is at risk .
8 Children are more susceptible to caffeine than adults and should probably not drink more than one or two colas a day .
9 The exportation of ‘ corporate crime ’ will normally be to Third World countries which , because they are more dependent upon capital , have fewer resources to check manufacturer 's claims or police corporate activities , and because their officials are more susceptible to corruption are less likely to circumvent corporate behaviour .
10 Some people are more susceptible to recruitment then others , the doctor says : for example , older people are less easily influenced than the young .
11 As discussed in chapter 1 , high scorers on Type-A behaviour inventories — people with ‘ hurry sickness ’ — are more susceptible to symptoms of anxiety , and stress induced illnesses .
12 Children who smoke are more susceptible to coughs and increased phlegm and are more likely to have chest illnesses than those who do not smoke [ 9 ] .
13 Some potato varieties are more susceptible to enzymic browning than others .
14 Patients in hospital are more susceptible to infection than most people , particularly those with wounds , the very ill and those receiving steroid or immunosuppressant drugs .
15 Some aspects of police investigation , such as scientific tests , are more susceptible to fresh scrutiny than others .
16 Premature babies are more susceptible to illness in the first days of life than full-term babies , and being fed exclusively on breast milk can help them in the fight against infection .
17 The best time of day would be between twelve noon and three thirty or four o'clock , this is a time when the manager is generally out having one of his long lunches , er the assistant manager would probably return to the bank about round about two , two thirty , and the situation in the bank er between these times would be that there would be only a handful of staff , usually junior staff on duty who are more susceptible to passing information than the senior staff .
18 Patients with sIgA deficiency are more susceptible to infection by Giardia .
19 There is now little doubt that women are more susceptible to the hepatic complications of alcohol excess than men .
20 The National Meningitis Trust says people who 've had flu are more susceptible to contracting the brain disease , and that spotting the symptoms at an early stage could save someone 's life .
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