Example sentences of "move about [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Here and there a few people moved about amongst the chicken coops and the junk : a girl chasing a goose into a pen , a boy flying a kite .
2 The feathers moved about in the current of air that blew in under the door .
3 Richard moved about in the bathroom ; the light hurt my eyes so I turned on my stomach and hid my face in the pillow .
4 As Carol Jackson moved about in the kitchen she could hear the steady burble of conversation , punctuated every so often by a laugh .
5 A final factor affecting the erosion of cliff coasts composed of hard rock is the load of stones and boulders stirred up and moved about by the waves .
6 Interpreting these counts needs care , particularly those for the winter , when very marked fluctuations have been recorded , for , unlike most other waders , the wintering Black-tailed Godwits may move about over the whole of the estuarine complex from Pagham Harbour to Portsmouth Harbour in Hampshire .
7 Teachers who are unused to the behaviour of pupils with severely defective sight can be surprised by the way in which such children can move about within a setting in which they feel secure , negotiating stairs and corridors and moving along at speed with the stream of pupils going from room to room ; but unfamiliar settings and unexpected obstacles can cause difficulties or even be hazardous , and such hazards should be minimised .
8 It will be recalled that the dislocation is essentially a line defect which can move about in the crystal fairly freely .
9 Full of energy , she went up to the attic and to Philip , in his white overalls , a brave manikin moving about under the rafters .
10 I do n't have to stress the danger of anyone moving about on a railway track ; ignorance is no excuse for trespassing on railway property and the warning notices are always abundant , which is the reason that the two men were so concerned , firstly for the person 's safety and secondly for the risk of a collision with a train and the undoubted injuries that would result .
11 Martin Bates adjusted the focus on the binoculars , trying to pull into sharper definition the man moving about on the deck .
12 Bees were moving about on the bluebells .
13 The flames seemed to flicker as if someone was moving about on the island .
14 They first recorded the vervets ' call and then played them through loud-speakers to free-living monkeys moving about on the ground .
15 All the lights were on and people seemed to be moving about in every room .
16 Then my family ; or at any rate the beam of a torch moving about in the kitchen .
17 ‘ I thought I saw something moving about in the garden . ’
18 He could hear the man moving about in the room above his own .
19 They could hear her moving about in the room over their heads .
20 She could hear him moving about in the sitting room .
21 He scanned the dark figures moving about in the blackness , saw the odd flash-bulb explode as tourists took pictures of one of the capital 's most famous landmarks .
22 ‘ You move about during the day ’ .
23 The stars move about in the sky , just as the sun does .
24 Too small and you 're likely to compress the filling and lose loft , too large and the bellows action of air as you move about in the bag will ensure you never keep a nice layer of still warm air around you , essential to keep you cosy .
25 Now it can detach itself and move about within the pouch , but it will remain dependent upon her milk until it is eighteen months old .
26 If there are steps , he may need handrails if he is walking , or a ramp if he moves about in a wheelchair .
27 When the sheep were calmer , Kalchu and Sigarup waded out among them , slapping rumps , pushing hard against firmly resistant flanks , piling the already packed bodies tighter together so there was more room to move about with the lukals .
28 He manages to move about on the level — go to the loo , that sort of thing , but it 's all he can do . ’
29 First , it referred to the ability of a worker to move about within a workshop — hopefully from process to process — a mobility bestowed by ‘ knowledge ’ of different processes which in turn involved familiarity with the tools of the trade and the necessary skill to use them .
30 Changing preferences will be shown in siting , and occupation will tend to move about within an area .
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