Example sentences of "he had listened to " in BNC.

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1 And when the great gentleman detective got hold of the village postman and subjected him to an interrogation which ranged from what he had eaten for breakfast to whether or not he possessed a wireless set and if so what he had listened to on the previous morning , Sergeant Bramble maintained a stoic countenance .
2 He had listened to DATAR ‘ s views with great interest , and from a totally different viewpoint to that of the Vice President .
3 For him to demand repeated empirical evidence at that stage was doubly unnecessary , for not only had he heard the words of Christ , he had listened to the eye-witness accounts of his fellow disciples .
4 The proof came in December 1977 when an indiscreet civil servant in the Northern Ireland secretary of state 's team divulged the details of private conversations that he had listened to ‘ on the tapes ’ .
5 If only he had listened to what his friend Dave Forbes had been telling him …
6 Last week , after a concert , he had listened to a small group of airmen , seated at a table next to his , discussing her .
7 She herself had campaigned for women 's rights with the suffragette movement when she was in her teens and he had listened to her tales of the marches and the abuse the women suffered at the hands of many people .
8 Richard admitted that he had listened to the advice of people who were deliberately trying to sow dissension between them .
9 ‘ I 'm old enough to wait without being hurt for people to let me in again , ’ she said lightly , hoping that he had listened to what she said and understood its application to himself .
10 He had listened to her in silence , but now he smiled a cynical smile .
11 For the last few years they had only discussed their respective businesses and he had listened to his father 's bitter complaints about hunt saboteurs .
12 Last night , he had listened to prayers , but had prayed to no one , for that had never been his habit .
13 In announcing the large fines for conspiracy to steal , Judge Brooks said he had listened to the account given to the court of the information given to the police by both defendants about how they had committed the fraud and had put some of the proceeds in foreign bank accounts .
14 He had listened to her telling him .
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