Example sentences of "he fly home [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now Chancellor Norman Lamont will find himself facing a full-scale sterling crisis when he flies home from his Italian holiday next week .
2 About three million people thronged the airport and the street of Teheran to greet Khomeini when he flew home on 1 February 1979 .
3 Maxim had an hour and a half to wait for a train to Osnabrück , and half changed his mind about hiring a car , but that meant lots of signatures , and might be difficult to hand back if he flew home on a trooping flight from RAF Gütersloh .
4 Then , drinking champagne with journalists , he flew home to a Teheran in which his supporters had tried to re-erect the toppled statues of his father .
5 These words from Flower of Scotland will no doubt have been running through the head of Dick Best as he flew home to London yesterday .
6 DIEGO MARADONA 's future with Spanish club Sevilla is in doubt after he flew home to Argentina without permission .
7 Shortly after becoming leader in 1990 , he flew home from Bermuda struggling with exhaustion .
8 His mind was put at rest by Mr Major as he flew home from Washington .
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