Example sentences of "he [verb] presided over " in BNC.

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1 In office , doffing his hat to ‘ fairness ’ , he has presided over a wild game of insults and shadow-boxing between Americans , Europeans and Japanese .
2 He has presided over a degree of prosperity unknown under his predecessor , Sukarno .
3 It was no longer that he had been a member of the murder gang , but that he had presided over a meeting of UDA officers in order to plan it .
4 In that capacity he had presided over a campaign against corruption , and more positively over a relaxation of the restrictions upon private trade and local government .
5 The king withdrew in great weariness and exasperation of mind from his son 's manor of Kennington , where he had presided over an anxious council on Wales , and took refuge in mid-June in his castle of Berkhamsted , with only his intimate household about him .
6 It is difficult to decide whether the " loosening [ of ] the unity under siege of the period 1945 – 53 " which followed the concordat and the Pacts of Madrid was a deliberate continuation by Franco of the controlled internal jockeying he had presided over since 1936 , or a sign that he was being gradually overtaken by the speed of events .
7 At both the Annual General Meeting , and the Council Meeting earlier that day , tributes were paid to Mr Flemington for the energy and commitment with which he had presided over the Institute and promoted its work .
8 By the beginning of 1946 the national consensus that he had presided over at the liberation was visibly disintegrating .
9 There , he had presided over a society only slightly less diverse than that of the Caucasus and had fostered its development without trespassing dangerously on local sensibilities .
10 Mr McGregor says he 'll be sorry to leave his old job where he 's presided over the education reforms .
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