Example sentences of "order [to-vb] the [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In 1829 and 1830 the river Ray , which had been subjected to massive engineering works in order to drain the newly enclosed moor , began to flood the land beyond Otmoor .
2 In order to evade the rather amateurish image associated with the kind of fieldwork done by Darwin , the new generation of scientists needed to stress the role of laboratory work and sophisticated instrumentation .
3 I wanted to see what mass unemployment is like at its worst , partly in order to see the most typical section of the English working class at close quarters .
4 It was so still in the room that it seemed the three had suspended their dealings by mutual consent in order to catch the barely audible undulations of a distant ambulance siren .
5 The selection procedure has been set up in order to discover the most suitable supplier and method .
6 He was particularly proud of his drawings and made many in order to discover the absolutely right pose or disposition of the hands .
7 The system had to be extended considerably beyond the 1950 plans at both 132kV and 275kV in order to meet the greatly increased demands of the late 1950s .
8 Bear in mind that in order to find the most similar remedy we need to have symptoms that mark out how one individual 's illness differs from another 's .
9 The message was clear , the Conservative Party would have to broaden its policies in order to attract the newly enfranchised working-class voter and remain in power .
10 Now Africa was dismissed in order to revive the more traditional view that Asia was the centre of all human progress .
11 Given the mythology surrounding Nizan 's life and work , it is essential to establish at the outset the full range and scope of Nizan 's activities in order to highlight the very real intellectual and literary qualities of the man himself .
12 In order to evaluate the most effective ways of meeting the needs of dementia sufferers and their carers , we decided to set up a variety of pilot projects — these will be discussed by Ian Baillie in his talk on the Strathclyde development Fund .
13 In the meantime , the couple could have immediate access to the divorce court in order to tackle the really urgent questions concerning money , property and children .
14 The normal daily routine involved getting up at around 6am and stopping for a long lunch at midday in order to avoid the most intense heat .
15 The nature of the redundancy provisions should therefore be examined in order to select the most appropriate standard heading .
16 The disposal of trade , effluents has become an important factor in running factories in many industries all over the world , and attention has to be given to methods of dealing with waste waters in order to select the most economical methods , both in running costs and in capital expenditure .
17 The inspection is similar to that carried out for the Structural Survey , however because the report is in a standard format , the information conveyed is more concise and limited in order to identify the more important defects , bearing in mind the property 's type and age .
18 The objectives in this section , therefore , are twofold : first , to present the initial phase of socialist realism ( 1934–9 ) as a product of a given historical experience and attempt in the process to elucidate the undoubted attraction that Soviet communism and socialist realism exerted on many French intellectuals of the time ; secondly , to review the criticisms of socialist realism made both by supporters and opponents of the movement , not in order to resolve the highly problematical issues at stake , but in order rather to highlight the nexus of problems and difficulties associated with socialist realism and , very specifically , to draw up an agenda , both political and formal , for discussion when analyzing Nizan 's communist novels .
19 The NSF 's earlier decision to abolish the death penalty had been confirmed by Iliescu in his New Year 's broadcast to the Romanian people on Jan. 1 , " in order to stress the profoundly popular and humanist character of the new regime " and in compliance with students ' proposals that " the two dictators [ i.e. Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife Elena ] were the last persons who deserved this fate " .
20 My aim will be to illustrate different ways of approaching literature through its linguistic form , ways involving the direct application of linguistic theory and linguistic methods of analysis in order to illuminate the specifically literary character of texts .
21 We were then given a simple exam which consisted of crossing out stupid answers in order to leave the least stupid one .
22 October 1940 , but made virtually no progress in the winter months and the arrival of British Air Force units to assist the Greek troops , prompted Hitler to act in order to protect the very important German control of oilfields in Rumania .
23 It 's a vicious circle from which the only escape is to bring all parties together with some common framework such as Eureka with the prospect of Government support in order to reduce the very real financial risks involved .
24 These are some of the generalisations made in order to keep the already over-parameterised problem manageable .
25 11 If necessary , the tiger claw can be converted into a full-fist technique in order to deliver the most effective strike .
26 One result of this is that the pied flycatcher must be quick off the mark early in the season in order to get the most nutritious caterpillars .
27 A few , of exceptional talent , will be able to make the great leap upward and outward in order to join the steadily growing group of ‘ declassed experts ’ .
28 We believe the thrust of MPG Note 3 runs directly counter to the principles of sustainable development enshrined in the 1990 Environment White Paper : ‘ Our Common Inheritance ’ in encouraging the increasingly rapid depletion of a strategic and finite fossil-fuel reserve in order to achieve the barely disguised goal of improving the economic viability of British Coal .
29 In order to make the most accurate moulds , the designer Allan Willinger had to devise a method of preserving aquatic plants in an unnatural environment while they were worked on .
30 In order to make the most efficient use of space and to preserve accuracy , numerics are stored in a data file in binary format , not as strings of characters .
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