Example sentences of "be prosecuted for [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 AN aerobics teacher who turned up safe after a major search is to be prosecuted for wasting police time , a police spokesman said yesterday .
2 The Crown Prosecution Service will decide whether or not the 30 runners should be prosecuted for trespassing on the railway .
3 We could be prosecuted for kissing in my front room if the curtains were open and someone looked in and took offence
4 There has been some doubt about the law with regard to traffic-calming measures other than road humps which has meant that authorities have produced traffic-calming schemes but have been left in some doubt as to whether they could be prosecuted for obstructing the highway .
5 Do you remind them of Angela Williams , the first person to be prosecuted for smoking on the tube or of Paul Deiring , the first person to be jailed for smoking on the tube ( he could n't pay his £25 fine ) or do you make like Eric Butler , the Bernard Goetz of the Victoria Line , who , in 1987 , mocked and taunted by drunken youths , retaliated with a sword-stick and was punished in the courts for his efforts .
6 The Court referred the case to the Director of Public Prosecutions to see whether the students involved should be prosecuted for breaching earlier court orders .
7 The other letter informed the victim that he was going to be prosecuted for overloading his builder 's van , he was in fact prosecuted and fined .
8 Not only did the Dissenters still suffer civil disabilities , but they could still be prosecuted for worshipping outside the Church of England if they did not fulfil certain requirements at law .
9 Midlands Electricity will be prosecuted for failing to ensure safety of its workers and others .
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