Example sentences of "be swept away [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sooner or later , the social practices that keep Japanese women out of good jobs will be swept away by economic circumstances .
2 And if you , an intelligent man who can think , can be swept away by him , how do you think they 've been affected ?
3 In Lobophytum species , the process is not particularly dramatic ; the polyps withdraw , the body of the animal will deflate , looking as though it has collapsed , and then when it takes in fresh water to stiffen up again , a thin , transparent layer of mucus can be seen detaching itself from the surface of the coral , to be swept away by water currents , the whole process usually taking a few hours .
4 But will John Major and the Government go down with the sun-Saturn boat or be swept away by the sun-Pluto tidal wave on the 14th ?
5 To many it seemed clear that if liberal capitalism ( of the sort advocated by Disraeli ) were not to be swept away by revolution , the largely illiterate workforce must be encouraged to believe that their welfare would be protected by the new rulers — the powerful middle class .
6 Because the pressures are always highest at the front the expansion is always fastest there , although the most rapidly expanding elements may be swept away by the flow .
7 In order to escape from the situation , my two colleagues below the surface unhooked from the safety line only to be swept away by the current .
8 If it is thought that the exclusive jurisdiction of the visitor has outlived its usefulness , which I beg to doubt , then I think that it should be swept away by Parliament and not undermined by judicial review .
9 Among the guests the Mamounia while the Shah was settling in were Henry , Count of Paris , the pretender to the French crown , who was finishing his memoirs there ; the Reverend Ndabaningi Sithole , then a member of the coalition government of Rhodesia , but soon , like the Shah , to be swept away by revolution and Hassans friend , former King Simeon of Bulgaria , who was reported to be there on some business .
10 He painted with the meticulous craft of the Elizabethan limner in a style derived from the elaborate concoctions of mannerist court portraiture ; a style soon to be swept away by the tide of the baroque brought to England from Flanders by Rubens and Sir Anthony Van Dyck [ q.v . ] .
11 Is that the reason why the hon. Member for Islington , North will be swept away by the excellent Tory candidate in his constituency ?
12 Soon the intolerable mysteries of Mediterranean life would be swept away by the electronic wonders of real time and random access for all .
13 Even a wider fluctuation band of , say , 6 per cent might ( the same as Italy ) be swept away in the hurricane .
14 Against a mobile enemy such as Bretonnian knights you must be careful of their charge — a unit of Goblins will be swept away in one turn if caught like this .
15 The remnants of feudalism , the Tsar , and the old landowning nobility , must first be swept away in a bourgeois revolution which would inaugurate the full flowering of capitalism .
16 We are forced to work fast and badly , but we do n't know whether there is any point to it because it may all be swept away in a month ; on the other hand , nothing at all may happen , in which case we will have done it badly to no purpose .
17 Since the furlongs , strips and balks were all to be swept away in the ensuing award and a new field system devised , it was only natural that the commissioners should do this .
18 " Within days Bakthiar would be swept away in the whirlwind of the Ayatollahs return .
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