Example sentences of "be handed over [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Porras , considered a chieftain of the Medellin cocaine cartel , was arrested on Thursday in the northern town of Tulcan , about 10 miles from the Colombian border , and was to be handed over to Colombian authorities ‘ as a show of Ecuador 's support ’ for the drug crackdown , an Ecuadorean spokesman said .
2 Having learnt its worst fears were about to be realised , that it would be handed over to Chinese rule in 1997 without external protections or guarantees , it immediately put the best possible face on its situation .
3 That said : ‘ All Russians to be handed over to Soviet forces and all surrendered Yugoslav nationals serving in German forces to be handed over to Yugoslav forces . ’
4 That said : ‘ All Russians to be handed over to Soviet forces and all surrendered Yugoslav nationals serving in German forces to be handed over to Yugoslav forces . ’
5 Justice Desmond Windle ordered at Dublin District Court that Anthony Gerard Sloan , 35 , from Summerville Drive , Belfast , who is serving 20 years for possession of an M-60 machine gun , be handed over to the RUC at the Co Louth border .
6 In Roslavl' during March and April it was frequently noted that the public believed that ecclesiastical gold was to be handed over to the Jews .
7 But peasants also complained when what they called ‘ doctors ’ came out to inspect their cattle and sanitary arrangements , or when two peasants who had murdered their wives had to be handed over to a visiting ‘ social court ’ ( obshchestvennyi sud ) set up by a shefstvo team .
8 Ratepayer democracy … implied less local government , with fewer services to provide since some of them could be handed over to the private sector , to the supposed benefit of consumers and ratepayers alike .
9 Reveille for the remainder was at 0600 , as the transit camp we had been living in for the fortnight had to be handed over to the next inhabitants spick and span .
10 The Vatican spokesman , Mr Joacquin Novarro-Vallas , in Rome yesterday denounced the US siege tactics , and said ‘ an occupying power can not interfere with the work of a diplomatic mission or demand that a person who is seeking asylum there be handed over to it ’ .
11 American political pressure on Churchill in London , and diplomatic help to Nasser in Cairo , resulted in the highly unsatisfactory Anglo-Egyptian Agreement of October 1954 , whereby the military base installations in the Canal Zone were to be handed over to British civilian contractors , and all uniformed personnel were to leave Egypt by the end of March 1956 .
12 He agreed to summon the Scottish parliament , that it should consent to Mary 's marriage with the dauphin Francis and to her departure for France , and that Scottish castles should be handed over to the French — as indeed Dunbar and Blackness were .
13 Even more alluringly , the entire process could be handed over to private enterprise .
14 In fact , as I write I realize that the whole mess of Primavera must be handed over to you — TAKE OVER THE WHOLE BLOODY THING and get this tremendous weight off my shoulders — change and edit the costumes , but not too much , as they are designed so as not to interfere with the movement of the ballet , as it includes curling up into small balls , rolling , lying etc .
15 To this list we can also add some particular tasks that should not be handed over to subordinates or indeed other specialists who may be available to you :
16 The procedure can , of course , easily be handed over to a computer .
17 One good way of judging a well-planned interview schedule of the formal type is to ask ‘ Could this schedule be handed over to someone else for analysis without them having to go back to the interviewer to ask what certain answers mean ? ’
18 On 14 August 1903 , the school teachers asked to keep their travelling privileges after the schools were to be handed over to the Local Education Authority .
19 ‘ Attention was called to the Company 's payment of £50 per annum to the Vicar of Stantonbury for managing these schools , seeing that they are about to be handed over to a School Board and it was agreed that the payment be continued as in respect of Sunday School management , but during the pleasure of the Board and to the present incumbent only ’ .
20 Our collections would be a random sample from the wild cocoa population , to be handed over to cocoa breeders who could screen them for genes that would be useful under their own conditions : a genotype that was susceptible to witches ' broom disease might still be useful for other reasons to farmers in West Africa , where this disease does not occur .
21 Windmill Fields and the Lymington Bottom triangle had been definitely listed as open space , and once landscaping work has been done both these areas will be handed over to the parish council for maintenance .
22 Enormous areas of eastern Germany were to be handed over to Poland .
23 In the Kandyan Kingdom a man convicted for assault could be handed over to the complainant to be beaten , and thefts were often resolved by the return of the stolen property , plus further compensation .
24 The ‘ appointed day ’ when all tramways had to be handed over to the Board , was 1 July 1933 .
25 The task can not be handed over to the superstar preacher and those with ‘ the gift of persuasive oratory ’ .
26 In one area where the troops were being maintained by air droppings , the Corps Commander gave orders that all parachutes were to be handed over to the local Burmese who were in rags .
27 They admitted using Ecstasy and were ordered to leave immediately or be handed over to police .
28 Although he has completed five years , he will continue for another couple of years until the parish is ready to be handed over to the local clergy .
29 In the House of Commons , Clement Attlee reiterated that it would be impossible for Britain ‘ to accept the principle that the most vital economic forces of this country should be handed over to an authority that is utterly undemocratic and is responsible to nobody ’ .
30 Florence W. , aged four , was to be handed over to her father as soon as he was discharged from prison .
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