Example sentences of "be accused of [being] " in BNC.

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1 Wesker might be accused of being somewhat subjective about the play , a charge that may be repeated as the producer of his own work .
2 It must have been galling , to say the least , for a man from such a background to be accused of being a Nazi by student revolutionaries at the London School of Economics , whose only experience of a ‘ fascist regime ’ was being refused service in the college bar after closing time .
3 In other spheres Margaret Thatcher , Mary Archer ( who chairs the hardship committee at Lloyd 's ) and Helen Sharman , who were all trained as chemists , could hardly be accused of being unsuccessful .
4 It was on an overseas tour with Newcastle that Gallacher earned the dubious notoriety of being the first player to be accused of being drunk in charge of a football .
5 If Hughie Gallacher was the first Scot to be accused of being drunk in charge of a football then his namesake , Patsy Gallacher , had already gone one better .
6 The Croaking Gourami could be accused of being rather a colourless drab specimen .
7 The press began to be accused of being one-sided , unfair , of not giving a balanced picture .
8 Although a recovering alcoholic and noted for temper tantrums , she could never be accused of being bland .
9 One of the councillors on the libraries committee took a copy of Gay News home to study so that he could n't be accused of being uninformed when the time came for him to vote for its rejection .
10 Now that the Apple Computer Inc v Microsoft Corp lawsuit has been defanged and the only thing standing between Bill Gates and world domination is the Federal Trading Commission — see page three : there may be more truth than not in the observation that Microsoft wants IBM to have OS/2 so they ca n't be accused of being a monopoly .
11 DEC and Microsoft , neither of whom could ever be accused of being the least bit friendly to Unix , look for all the world like they 're ganging up to try and kill it off once and for all , using NT-on-Alpha as the blunt instrument .
12 Nixon , one of the fiercest anti-Communists and " cold warriors " of the 1940s and 1950s , knew that he could not easily be accused of being " soft " on communism when he tried to lessen tension with Russia and with Communist China .
13 Although a verbal apology would probably fit the bill , the offender may feel constrained to act the fool he expects to be accused of being .
14 Then I would be accused of being a racist , take this for example , I was down at lower school , I had a black girl in my class , she did something or another .
15 Though at the time , ’ she added with a wry shake of her head , ‘ it was something of a novelty to be accused of being a criminal . ’
16 He was , he informed us in his speech to the senate , fully aware that he may be accused of being naive .
17 Stoddards Carpets Maintenance Worker Robert Kerr could never be accused of being a high flyer — but he certainly seems to be producing a few .
18 Yes I often used to be accused of being Welsh but it is different .
19 BRIAN McGilligan could never be accused of being a dreamer .
20 SCOTTISH Opera 's new production of The Magic Flute can not be accused of being a routine stroll through Mozart 's opera .
21 It is of no surprise to you and I to know that we are in a erm an economic crisis , and , but I think that we might be accused of being in an area that does n't take the fair share of the cuts .
22 erm Although one would hate to be , I do n't want to be accused of being elitist and saying that E H O's must do a particular job , but what I would like to say it that we need people who are trained to a sufficient level to be able to do the ultra high risk catering area , as distinct from other high-risk areas .
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