Example sentences of "much so [conj] [pron] was " in BNC.

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1 So much so that she was not left alone with him , but that afternoon the mother had had to go shopping and the child had returned from a swimming session in the baths and had been alone with the man .
2 Whereas the DCSL for School F limited her actions to the latter function , her colleague in School A ( and the other schools in her division ) played a much more active role with , and sometimes in , the library committee itself , so much so that she was occasionally described by teachers as the " leading light " in the formulation of the proposal .
3 So much so that she was able to quieten any last lingering niggles about how easily she 'd folded by telling herself that tomorrow she would , most definitely , go out on her own .
4 In the 1960s , the Clydesdale almost disappeared without trace , so much so that it was on the Rare Breeds Survival Trust 's list of protected animals .
5 The Gay Centre in Glasgow was deteriorating socially , so much so that it was coming to the state where women and others were feeling oppressed by the atmosphere created by insensitive youths who seemed to believe the Centre , including the back room ( our only meeting-place ) , was their seven-nights-a-week preserve .
6 But the difficulty with this approach for the present case is that Woolwich was in reality suffering from no mistake at all , so much so that it was prepared to back its conviction that the revenue was acting ultra vires by risking a very substantial amount of money in legal costs in establishing that fact ; and , since the possibility of distraint by the revenue was very remote , the concept of compulsion would have to be stretched to the utmost to embrace the circumstances of such a case as this .
7 After all , Papa was only just forty-one , and Mama was younger than that , and they were both so handsome that it was a wonder — or perhaps not — that they were so faithful to one another , so much so that it was almost a joke , Papa having been a great ladies ' man in his youth , she had discovered .
8 So much so that I was ready for a rich joke when my family got home from their various doings that birthday evening .
9 So much so that I was totally unable to move .
10 My Squadron 499 of the Air Training Corps became very successful , so much so that I was awarded a national honour , a Member of the British Empire , MBE ( Military ) .
11 ‘ My father and Edwin Garland were very close friends , so much so that I was brought up to regard Beryl and Francis as cousins . ’
12 Priestley supported them and made it well known , so much so that he was asked not to attend the dinner — just in case .
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